Category:Biosensor Array

From Pumping Station One
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Mitch Altman proposed a Global Hackerspace Challenge and PS:One accepted. The challenge requires that we use a microcontroller and a portable power source bought from element14 in creating a mobile device to aid in Education. $900 budget was provided by element14. The full description of the Challenge is at Global Hackerspace Challenge.


We are building an array of biosensors as part of our program to:

  1. familiarize people with collecting data
  2. provide useful health related information displayed in a digestible manner to the device wearer
  3. provide larger data samples to medical professionals should the user choose to share what they have collected
  4. promote healthy living and health awareness
  5. encourage hobby electronics by using open sourced hardware


Our initial audience for this device kit will be secondary schools and colleges. It will be marketed as an educational and personal experimental tool. The array will collect data from various sensors attached to the test subject's body and then make that data available to the experimenter. The project will use as many common consumer parts as possible.

PS:1's Element14 Blog

Videos and other build related posts will be published through Element14's blog:

Other space's GGHC blogs, etc, can be found here as well: search gghc

The Team

As of 15 April 2011:

Product Line Overview

General Student Kit

for the kids this is the primary kit we are developing for the GGHC.

This kit includes wired sensors and a mother microcontroller enough to get students involved in data logging.

Wireless Student Kit

  • Same as General Student Kit but the sensors are wireless via xbee shields. Just in case wires aren't your thing.

Expandable Modules

for the Mad Scientists, Cyclists, Marathoners, and Runners.

These sensors and devices are too hardcore to be included in the basic package but we wanted to provide them should you need to take over the world. Most have another ardunio onboard.


End User Documentation


Similar projects

Biosensor Array Developer

This page is focused on developers, unlike the current page you are viewing which is focused on end users. Developer gets into all the nitty gritty details of the direction, design, and fabrication of the project.

Here are some of the Key Sections:



Biosensor Array Notes

Member Notes

Weekly Meeting Notes