Volunteer Authorizer

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The following are the duties and expectations of a volunteer authorizer:

Who They Are


In general

  • You are an ambassador of the space. We expect you to make yourself familiar with and abide by our policies and to hold yourself to the highest standards of being excellent to others. Your behavior sets an example for the entire membership.
  • You are a primary safety example for others and are expected to follow good safety practices.
  • Prior to authorizing anyone on any equipment, ask about membership, ID check by two board members and liability waiver.
  • Do not give the door code to anyone. Members get the door code when the membership process is completed.


  • Hold regularly scheduled authorizations. Consisting of a minimum of two, two hour sessions per month.
  • Make sure your contact information is posted in the area and on the wiki.
  • Help maintain a clean and safe workspace.
  • Help expedite tool maintenance and repair when necessary.
  • Help facilitate authorization processes, working closely with the area host.
  • Report area needs and concerns to the area host.

What you can expect from the board

  • We will take your concerns seriously and will work with you to try and resolve them.
  • We will consider creating a temporary replacement position if you need to be absent for an extended period of time.