3dSystems CubePro

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3dSystems CubePro
Cube Pro.jpeg
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Serial Number TBD.
Make/Model CubePro
Arrival Date 2014
Usability yes
Contact Elizabeth, Derek, Daniel
Where 3d Printer Row
Authorization Needed ??
Hackable no
Estimated Value $4400
Host Area {{{hostarea}}}

3dSystems CubePro Area: {{{hostarea}}} https://wiki.pumpingstationone.org/wiki/3dSystems_CubePro

Getting Started

Use the Computer to the right of the Cube pro to prepare your files using the Cube pro software, then export the file to a thumbdrive and plug it into the usb port on the left side of the printer itself. Select the file you prepared from the print menu using the touch screen on the front of the printer.

USB Port


CubePro 3D Printer activation page

Calibration prints (specific to filament type): File:Cubepro calibration files.zip

CubePro 3D Printer


Filament (ABS, PLA, Nylon some time after August of 2014) comes in DRMed canisters from CubePro at approximately 500 grams for $99.
