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General Operations Team

== Goals & Purpose ==

The purpose of this team is to manage the important operations of the space, oversee long term and temporary storage for members, serve as the primary contact for and interact with contractors and other vendors via email and in person, educate and inform people of best workshop practices, and keep the Board apprised of any significant events related to the space and its operations. The team will identify and perform all duties related to day-to-day operations of PS1 such as building maintenance and upkeep, create an operational strategy to streamline management of the physical space, create and manage tracking documents for temporary and long term member storage, manage documents to track the completion of maintenance related tasks, and organize all existing documents. The goal of this team is ultimately to streamline the management of the physical space. The team is being established to create positions solely for issues related to the physical space rather than splitting time between multiple, differing jobs. No one on this team is tasked with ensuring a member’s personal safety. Each individual member of Pumping Station: One is responsible for their own safety.

== Action Items ==

1. Waivers and Emergency Contacts Project
Make sure that we have a waiver on file for every member of PS1
Make sure that we have an emergency contact for every member of PS1
Determine the best system for collection and tracking of these documents

2. Building Issues Spreadsheet
Continue and expand upon the work of the existing ad-hoc volunteer team
Update the spreadsheet with completed tasks and new issues identified
Triage and consider all tasks - what is absolutely necessary to do? What is a “nice to have”?
Engage the membership to complete tasks that can be reasonably completed by the team and PS1 members
Work with the Board and contractors to complete tasks that cannot be done by the team

3. Long term member storage
Determine how many spaces are needed according to the number of members paying for storage
Work with CTO and the Member Management Team to create a system for tracking who has which storage space in WildApricot
Make sure that only active members have storage spaces and use the provision in the 2019 Tidy Space Policy to empty spaces of former member’s items
Manage the member storage system - send an explanatory email to interested members, keep the list on wiki updated, make sure all physical spaces are labeled (use the “guide to storage” document & email template as a starting point)
Improve the “Guide to Storage” document and Member Storage email templates
Perform a quarterly audit of the storage spaces- compare names with member list and make sure everyone is current

4. Accident Protocol
Develop an accident protocol to be followed in the event of an injury (use the Board’s existing document as a starting point)
Develop an incident report form
Submit these to the Board for approval and review
Disseminate this information to the membership
Create signs with QR codes and easy-to-access links for the space

5. Documentation
Coordinate with current and former Board members & the General Area Host to create a list of contractors with updated contact information and any other info needed for successfully repairing the building
Create and manage an online folder for storing the information of the General Operations Team
Provide the Member Management Team with information about the updated storage process to be included in the member orientation slideshow and relevant training materials/handouts
Upload a member storage FAQ
Update and maintain a storage list with spaces and “owners” for anyone to use and access

6. Temporary Member Storage
Institute a system for Temporary Member Storage, particularly for large projects
Review items on a weekly basis
Red-ticket any items in violation of the storage policies
Create a Temporary Member Storage policy and add it to the wiki
Manage an AirTable that members can use to sign up for Temporary Storage and that other volunteers can check
Implement the Large Parking Spaces idea in the woodshop and general area. Create and manage a system for reserving these new spaces.

7. On-going Facilities Analysis
Survey the building and tools for potential issues and required maintenance
Work with Area Hosts to address safety issues as they are identified
Watch for issues posted by members in the relevant communication channels and act as needed
Keep equipment labels and wiki pages up to date - begin with one Area and work through the space each year

8. General Tasks
Answer FreshDesk tickets where applicable
Coordinate with the Area Hosts to complete tasks in each area as needed

== Powers & Limitations ==

The General Operations team will have the power to determine the best ways to fulfill their tasks and to make day-to-day decisions in order to do so. If they desire to make changes to any of the tracking systems or otherwise critical systems, then the Team Manager must present a plan to and get approval from the board.

This team has the power to:
*Determine when, where, and how often to meet
*Hold meetings
*Create documents in a google drive folder shared with the board
*Review current documents and processes pertaining to their job descriptions
*Seek member input on pertinent issues
*Submit changes and additions to existing documents & processes to the board for approval
*Make suggestions to the board if new positions on the team are necessary
*Make suggestions for changes to member tracking and processing systems

This team does not have the power to implement major changes without Board approval. The team does not have the power to take any actions that are contrary to the wishes of the Board, the purposes of the organization, or that would otherwise conflict with the governing documents of the organization. The team does not have the power to take any of the actions prohibited by article 108.40-teams in the General Not-for-Profit Corporation Act of 1986 805 ILCS 105/108.40. These prohibited actions include, but are not limited to, distributing assets without Board approval, dissolving the corporation, removing Board members, taking any action that requires a Board or membership vote, determining their own compensation, and performing any other important functions that are normally reserved for the Board. According to paragraph D of 805 ILCS 105/108.40, this team may not act on behalf of the corporation or bind it to any action, but may make recommendations to the Board of Directors or Officers.

== Job Descriptions ==

Operations Liaison - vacant
-Design a new tool labeling system or improve upon the current labeling system to incorporate more information
-Develop creative ways to educate the membership about best workshop practices (could be an addition to the new canvas course for orientation, new canvas courses associated with authorizations, signage in the space, classes, changes to authorization procedures, etc)
-Create more signage around the space (like what we have for the laser and table saw) to help people operate tools properly
-Work with the Area Hosts (and the rest of the team as needed) to address any issues found with particular machines or space arrangements
-Create a preventative maintenance schedule and work with other members of this team to see it completed
-Reach out on a personal level when needed (i.e. Area Host does not reply to email or member does not respond to requests from the team) to complete projects
-Serve as the liaison between this Team and any Danger Committees

Operations Secretary - vacant
-Assist in team members with projects to educate the membership, sign creation, and completion of relevant tasks
-Identify and track potential safety issues in the space, beginning with the list in the current spreadsheet
-Manage a system for tracking whether tasks are complete (can use the old spreadsheet or something new)
-Work with the General Area host to keep an up to date list with replenishment dates for fire extinguishers, safety equipment, and other relevant items
-Document and report findings from any relevant member reports, surveys, events, etc to the Team Manager
-Triage and initiate repairs/changes as needed to address existing potential issues along with the Space Liaison
-Work with the Operations Liaison to create a tool and building maintenance document & coordinate with the Space Liaison to complete the tasks at regular intervals
-Help develop the accident protocol and post “what to do in an accident” signs around the space
-Develop an incident report form and include a link to it in new “what to do in an accident” signs
-Take notes at team meetings and manage a shared drive for all relevant team documents
-Answer and address relevant member requests in FreshDesk or GoogleGroups
-Help the Team Manager by taking on some of the action items listed above

Storage Managers - gary newhouse(wood) Ben Stagl (General) Sean Blum((nonwood)
-Determine what members need/want (by asking them) and help provide resources or direction to ensure that members with storage have the resources they need
-Help new members find and label storage spaces
-Designate and mark the Temporary Storage, Member storage, Large Project Parking spaces, and Salvage areas, create signage where needed
-Audit and clean out each Temporary Storage, Member storage, Large Project Parking spaces, and Salvage areas at least every 2 months
-Follow the appropriate process to remove former member items left in member storage spaces
-Maintain a summary document on storage on the PS1 wiki
-Complete the storage projects outlined above
-Answer any relevant Freshdesk inquires or Google Group messages
-Manage an email inbox for storage
-Assist with red-ticketing items in all areas as needed
-Help the Team Manager by taking on projects as needed

Space Liaison - Brian Desmond
-Identify projects that will improve the space, coordinate with other Team members and Area Hosts, and engage the membership to complete them.
-Call, schedule, and meet with contractors as a representative of the organization
-Inform the Board when contractor work needs to be done and provide a plan of action
-Coordinate with the Treasurer to pay contractors
-Complete work such as building maintenance or repairs, either by hiring a contractor or by motivating members
-Create signage and wiki pages for all existing PS1 volunteers so that members know who volunteers & post this signage around the space
-Determine what members need/want (by asking them) for the space and the building and help realize these projects
-Work with members proposing new equipment votes to help them find a space for the equipment and budget appropriately for its incorporation (consider requirements for power, dust collection, venting, compressed air, etc)
-Help the Team Manager by taking on some of the action items listed above

Team Manager - Andrew Morris
-Work with your team to divide up and complete the action items above
-Schedule and lead regular team meetings
-Lead the team in developing materials for a safety portion of orientation or an online course to add to authorizations
-Take charge of the project to make sure we have a waiver and an emergency contact from every person in the space
-Ensure that the other members of this team are performing their duties adequately and assist them as needed
-Flag and immediately report any serious issues related to the physical space and its management
-Determine the most important issues & address them as needed
-Create and manage new systems and processes as presented in the Goals section of this document
-Present ideas for these new processes/systems as recommendations to the Board for approval
-Deliver a progress report and summary of activities in person once per month at Board meetings

Advisory Position / Historical Knowledge - Brian Barnt
-Work with the volunteers to divide up and complete the action items above
-Advise the members of this team in performing their duties and assist them as needed
-Flag and immediately report any serious issues related to the team’s responsibilities
-Help the Team Manager by documenting all tasks you currently perform and sharing any relevant knowledge
-Share any useful documents, templates, or tracking systems you may have used to perform these duties
-Attend team meetings to share knowledge and help guide the team’s efforts

== Appointment and Dismissal ==

The members of Pumping Station: One were notified of the establishment of the new team the week of September 16th, 2019. The Team Manager position will be posted to the primary means of communication at the time, and all members in good standing were given 2 weeks to apply for the position. The applications were be reviewed by the board, and the Team Lead was be appointed.

Then the remaining volunteer positions on the team were posted to the primary means of communication at the time of the announcement as well, and the Team Manager made recommendations to the Board relating to the appointment of the members of the team. The Board then appointed the volunteers to the team.

The volunteers on this team will serve a one year term unless the board receives a complaint and/or determines that a volunteer is unfit for the role. At the end of the one working year the board will conduct a performance review for the Team Manager. The Board will provide a performance review form and a questionnaire to the Team Manager, who will distribute it to each of the people on the General Operations Team. Each person must complete the form and return it directly to the Board. The Team Manager will meet with each of the volunteers on the team and provide a summary of performance review meetings to the Board.

All of the team members serve at the pleasure of the Board. Should any issues arise, the Board will determine the best course of action at that time. If a member of the team is not fulfilling the duties of their role to the satisfaction of the Board, then that member may be removed by the Board at any time without prior notice. All members of the team are still bound by the member agreement, code of conduct, and by the rules, regulations, and/or procedures set forth by the Board or the Dispute Resolution Committee.


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