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(Created page with 'Text of proposal found here: https://groups.google.com/group/pumping-station-one/browse_thread/thread/37cd168e1a346893 Finalized here: https://groups.google.com/group/pumping-sta…')
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Revision as of 01:34, 5 July 2012

Text of proposal found here: https://groups.google.com/group/pumping-station-one/browse_thread/thread/37cd168e1a346893 Finalized here: https://groups.google.com/group/pumping-station-one/browse_thread/thread/46dc2dcd9d158474 Voted 4/6/2010

The "It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Loses An Eye" Act

Text: The treasurer is hereby empowered to reimburse anyone for the purchase of safety equipment that is donated to Pumping Station: One out of the general fund.

The treasurer is also empowered to buy safety equipment for Pumping Station: One directly. The sum of these reimbursements and purchases may not exceed $200 per calendar year or $50 per reimbursement incident or purchase. What constitutes "safety equipment" will be determined by the treasurer and/or the chair of the danger committee on a case by case basis. A receipt must be provided for all donations or purchases that are reimbursed or paid for under this resolution. Reimbursements will be granted at the discretion of the treasurer on a case by case basis. Whenever a reimbursement or purchase occurs, the treasurer must notify the membership via email what items were donated or purchased by whom and how much they cost.