CNC Plasma Cutter Vote

From Pumping Station One


  • Ray Doeksen
  • Tom Judge
  • Andrew Camardella


  • Mailing List Announcement: 3-4-16
  • Officially Proposed: TBD
  • To be Voted on: TBD


We currently have great CNC milling capabilities at PS1 (especially for wood and soft metals), to round out our capabilities we'd like to propose CNC cutting of large sheet metal and plate. Adding a CNC plasma cutting table would allow us to utilize our existing plasma cutter for high quality CNC cuts. Bart Dring has offered to provide a CNC torch head, which would allow mixed use as a CNC and hand-operated machine, by simply switching the torch connected to the plasma cutter. We expect the purchase of this machine to be made once more space is available, after PS1's expansion into the space next door. Currently the proposal budgets for a 4x8 table, but can be reduced to 4x4 (reduces overall cost about $1500) depending on space constriants.

This vote is to purchase the following from Procut CNC:

This setup includes all of the required components to setup the plasma table including the PC. It also includes capabilities to scan existing parts into DXF files to allow for modification and copying.

Budget Breakdown

PS1 Contribution

PS1 will match up to 60% up to $7000 of the required funds for the purchase of the CNC plasma cutter, from the discretionary budget.


As a new fundraising method we will be running a fund-raising campaign to help solicit donations towards the purchase of a machine. We expect to cover 50% of the machine's cost through this method.

Direct Donation

Member and non-member direct donations will be collected by the board of directors, and vote sponsors. Direct donations will be added to the vote budget and are to be used towards the purchase of the aforementioned equipment.


Items considered for rewards are here:


Authorize the Board of Directors to spend up to $7,000 on a CNC plasma cutter table and accessories. Also authorize the vote sponsors to start a fund-raising campaign on behalf of Pumping Station: One to cover the remaining costs of the machine. Authorization expires 6 months after the vote is accepted.

