
From Pumping Station One
Revision as of 18:49, 30 January 2014 by Tucker (talk | contribs)

I'd suggest putting links to the Chicago city e-waste dropoff schedule in here, as well as possibly other groups that take/recycle e-waste if there are any. Possibly FreeGeek Chicago? I don't want to flood them with crap either. --Knit Me A Pony (talk) 12:19, 30 January 2014 (CST) "Pumping Station: One cannot accept unsolicited donations of hardware." Perhaps unsolicited isn't quite the right word, since many people bring in useful items without PS1 requesting the hardware from them in advance. I think the point that you are trying to make is that someone needs to state "I will use that" before something get's dropped off. It seems like there are two classes things would fall into: 1) special use items like tools or one-off components. These should require a specific member to say "I will use that." We should avoid/prohibit cases where members say " someone will use that" 2) general use components (like Derek's example of sorted resistors and whatnot). These should require the area host to accept them.

here's what I'd send out to people: When considering a donation of electronics to Pumping Station: One, please consider the following guidelines: Disposing of nonfunctional electronics is difficult and burdensome for a volunteer-run organization. There is little value in the SMT electronics on modern multi-layer PCBs, as re-using them is extraordinarily difficult. Consequently we'd like you to see if your donation will be useful BEFORE you drop it off.

Consider which of the following best describes your donation: 1) Complete devices or specialty components. Examples of this type of donation would be old cell phones, old printers, networking hardware, or any equipment that is not immediately ready to function. 2) Parts or Raw components: Examples of this would be Sorted resistors, wire spools etc. 3) Gray area items: Things that may be useful as-is but don't have an immediate user. Examples would be Functioning computer systems, computer monitors, Keyboards, Mice etc.

If your donation falls into the first category you will need to find a member or members who will claim the parts for their projects before the parts are brought to the space. The item is then the member's responsibility to part out, take home or store properly.

If your donation falls into the second category you will need to contact the appropriate area host (Ususally the electronics shop host for this type of donation) and get their permission for the donation

may be interested in: functional computers of a modern vintage (Intel Core 2 or newer architectures, please), fully functional accessories like modern LCD monitors, mice and keyboards.

If your donation falls into the third category, you can check with an area host, or the CTO to see if the donation would be useful for PS1's infrastructure. In general the space will only be interested in modern systems: ie a 386 with a CRT will not be welcome even if it works, and the space may not have a use for a system even if it is modern. If the system is not useful to the organization, you must find a specific member who wants the item before bringing it to PS1.