Tool Cage

From Pumping Station One
Tool crib.jpg
Tool Cage
Hosted Since: January, 2014
Location: Shop
Area Host Contact Details
Name: Sevin Straus
Phone: 773-772-7772
Email: sevin at
Other Contact:
Office Hours: Generally: Tuesday Member meeting and Wednesdays 2-4pm

For our shop tools, supplies, et cetera.

Update 7/13/14

I have done some organization and cleanup of the tool cage.

  • Moved the stack of white bins with sandpaper, fasteners, etc next to the bins behind the Laser computer
  • Organized the loose tools into the large red Craftsman rolling tool chest. I was unable to label the drawers today as the labeler was out of labels. I will put labels to help out, but here is the basic layout (I may have reversed one):
    • Top: safety equipment: glasses, goggles, masks, etc.
    • 1st Chest Drawer: small tools currently small screwdrivers and driver bits
    • 2nd: Screwdrivers
    • 3rd: Sockets
    • 4th: Wrenches
    • 5th: Pliers, diagonal cutters,
    • 1st Cart Drawer: files
    • 2nd: vice grips, large adjustable wrenches
    • 3rd: Pry bar and other large tools
    • 4th: corded electric power tools
    • 5th: corded electric power tools
  • All of the empty carrying cases have been moved to the top of the cage
  • Drastic cut down in the number of drills
  • I tried to leave a set of single tools on the pegboard for quick usage

Next up I will start to tackle the fasteners.

And learn to do something useful on the laser cutter to better organize the drawers.

In the meantime, let me know what you think.


Please put equipment back where it came from.

Please suggest any new needed tools. Tool Crib Wishlist

If a tool is worn out or broken, please let the Area Host know as soon as possible, and put the broken tool into the "Broken Tool Bucket"


Please use tools appropriately. We have hammers for hammering!

Safety equipment such as goggles and hearing protection are available and highly recommended.

Tools Available

I am currently working on coming up with an updated list of what tools we have, and what we need to get to order to fill out our basic tools.

I have created a set of Categories below that I will be using to group things together. That will define our current tool "footprint" and more detailed inventory will show how complete we are.

If there is something missing, please let me know!

Categories of tools:


  • Sandpaper
  • Nuts, bolts and washers
  • Screws and fasteners
  • Tape
  • Glue


  • Safety Equipment
  • Plumbing Tools
  • Electrical Tools
  • Painting
  • Workbench & Saw Horses
  • Lighting

Next Steps for the Tool Crib

  • Organize what we have
    • Allocation of existing pegboard to large items
    • Consolidation of Screws, Nuts, Bolts, etc.
    • Create a Map of what is where and publish
  • Finish initial inventory
  • Begin purchasing of needed tools and supplies


None at this time.