From Pumping Station One

This page describes a version of the RFID system based on the UHPPOTE Professional Wiegand TCP IP Network Access Control Board


  • Stores all data locally to the door controller, only requires power for door access.
  • Can be granted a super-user password and can be used as a generic code.
  • Allows both RFID number and Keyed number entry, and can be set with additional PIN#.
  • Can be retrofitted for machine control
  • Can be setup to disable users when membership expires

System Description

There is an old HP Windows XP machine that was added to the PS1 domain (called RFID-2) that pulls user information from an SQL database on a VM and pushes that information to all the door controllers with a piece of software called [Professional Door Control Management. You can remote into this machine using Windows Remote Desktop using rfid-2.ad.pumpingstationone.org.

A VM on Proxmox Cloud 2 called RFID2 (, username: ps1user, password: ps1frocksadmin) houses the SQL database so that current members can access the doors. Eventually a job will run that will populate the database usernames, RFID tags, and member status from PS1AUTH.

RFID Reader

The RFID reader is TYPE and is plugged directly into the control board.

Wiring colors

  • Red - +12v DC
  • Black - GND
  • White - D1 / TX
  • Green - D0 / RX
  • Blue - LED
  • Yellow - Beep (not connected)
  • Gray - Weigand 26/34 protocol (not connected)
  • Orange - Doorbell switch
  • Brown - Doorbell switch