

From Pumping Station One
{{Meeting Notes
| Previous MM-DD-YYYY=03-11-2014
| Current YY-MM-DD=14-03-18
| Next MM-DD-YYYY=03-25-2014
| YYYY=2014

Meeting Begin: 20:07

== Agenda ==
* Intro PS1 and what we're about
* let new members and visitors intro themselves
* go over things that need doing around the space

=== Introductions ===

* Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
* Introduce the present board and area hosts.
* New members/visitors introduce themselves.

=== Announcements ===
* Summer of code flyers. Talk to Carl K.
* Sheila is helping with "Open source comes to campus" - April, at Northeastern University (Or whatever it's called). More information to come

=== Votes ===

=== Tours for Visitors ===

* Someone will give official tour (make sure liability forms have been signed and that emergency contact info is filled out)

== Minutes ==
* Everett opens meeting, people say 'Holy Crap!'
* Everett talks about what Pumping Station: One is. Disparages all other hackerspaces in the area.
* Visitors and new members introduce themselves.
** One guy is sick of, we're clearly better.
** Carl interjects with some ridiculous statement.
** Another visitor was defeated in previous attempts to attend a meeting by a car accident, but he made it safely this week.
** Ed is displeased with the scent of the lab.
* Everett introduces area hosts and board members.
* Who's been awesome?
** Dean has been awesome - He got us a horizontal bandsaw, a sweet cabinet for tooling, working on dust collection
** Skilton has been doing wiring
** Ed has been doing a load of certifications, JP has been teaching people to mill things.
** Toba ran CPL maker nights, twice!
*** Shellie, Derek, Steve, Ryan, Justin, Elizabeth and Everett all helped
* Next week we're voting on [[Library Supplies Vote]]
* There was a tour for new members.

Meeting end: 20:24


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