3D Print Troubleshooting

From Pumping Station One

Common problems with identifying images.

Moisture in Filament

Our filament mostly isn't stored in an airtight container. This means that the filament will absorb water over time. Hydrolysis is when a water molecule breaks a plastic polymer chain. The water can also vaporize and create air bubbles and voids. This affects print quality in every aspect:

# Loss of strength (material becomes brittle)
# Poor finish
# Poor adhesion between layers
# Poor adhesion to the bed.
# Failed prints.

Filament will not load

Filament intake tension may be insufficient. This is typically adjusted via a long bolt inside of a spring.

Print head movement stalls during calibration

Something may be physically keeping bed from traveling to limit. Limit switches may not be operating correctly.



ABS has warping issues and needs to retain heat.