Action Plan for Purchases Vote

From Pumping Station One



Google Groups Announcement: 3/5/2020

Mailing List Announcement: TBD

Officially Proposed: TBD

Language Locked: TBD

To be voted on: TBD


We need to be responsible. We have something truly special here at pumping station: one. We can make this organization into almost anything we eant if we work as a community.

We have such a great privalege and unique opportunity to right votes to help our organization grow and to purchase tools and equipment that we all can benefit from.

It is important to recognize that this is not free money, and we should write votes responsibly and in consideration of how they can actual benefit the organization as a whole. This vote is intended to facilitate responsible spending through the reauirement of an action plan for anything that is purchased.

This vote is to mandate written plans for implementing the integration of the purchase into the space, required to be submitted 60 days after the vote to purchase has been made.

Vote Language

Amend bylaws to require a written action plan be submitted after a vote is passed that includes an action plan with specific steps that will be taken once the purchase is made to integrate the asset into the PumpingStation: One environment prior to releasing the funds for the purchase.