
From Pumping Station One
   This motion is scheduled to vote on May 17, 2011

Jordan Bunker


May 10, 2011


Area Managers are responsible for the following tasks within designated areas in the building:

  • Maintaining the general usability of the area, including
    • Cleaning of the area
    • Organization of tools and materials within the area
    • Performing tool maintenance and repair when necessary
  • Training of members for area tools and infrastructure
  • Reporting the needs of each area to the BoD

In exchange for performing these duties, the Area Manager will be granted Full Membership status at no cost for the duration of their service.

Any member or non-member is eligible to volunteer for the role of Area Manager, excluding BoD members. There can be only one Area Manager per area, and one person may not be assigned to multiple areas.

The BoD will decide which volunteer, if any, will be assigned the role of Area Manager by a vote.

The BoD may add, remove, or redefine areas of responsibility by vote.

In the event that the Area Manager does not perform the duties to the satisfaction of the membership and/or the BoD, the BoD reserves the right to remove the person from their position as Area Manager. At that time, the BoD may vote in a new volunteer for the role.

In the event that a new area and Area Manager role is deemed necessary, the area and role can be defined and voted in by the membership as an amendment to this proposal.

At this time, some suggested areas within Pumping Station: One that would be eligible for Area Managers are the:

  • Electronics shop (under the loft)
  • Wood/Metal shop (in the back garage)
  • Craft area (outside wall of the loft)
  • General area (shared spaces, classroom, loft, and main room)

