Meeting Notes 2013-11-12

From Pumping Station One

Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Begin: 08:05pm


  • Intro PS1 and what we're about
  • let new members and visitors intro themselves
  • go over things that need doing around the space
  • call out awesomeness


  • Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
  • Introduce the present board and area hosts.
  • New members/visitors introduce themselves.


  • Go over the things that need doing on Trello. This place works because it's a community, so help out!
  • Anyone have an event or thing to announce? Now's the time, 1 minute max each.
  • Who has been awesome? Call them out now.
    • Everyone who came to Power Hour
  • Any questions?


Windows 7 Professional Purchase for the CAD PC in the Electronics Area

Vote Passed

Purchase a copy of Windows 7 Professional. Vote Quorum: 31 Yea: 32 Nay: 1 Present: 2 Motion Passed

Tours for Visitors

  • Z will give official tour (make sure liability forms have been signed and that emergency contact info is filled out)


  • Eric gives hackerspace shpiel.
  • New people introduce themselves.
  • Introduction of board.
  • Things need doing around the shop:
    • First aid kits need hanging.
    • Fixing/replacing closures on stairwell doors.
    • Flammable liquids cabinet.
  • Announcements
    • Sheila is hosting a Netlogo class on the 23rd. Has been added to the calendar.
    • Bry is organizing a LAN party on Black Friday.
  • Tidy Space tickets have happened. Gather your stuff, or else Limbo.
  • Mike and Geoffrey had a birthday.
  • Z gives a tour.
  • Vote happened, results are being compiled.
  • 300 seconds of fame.

Meeting End: 08:17 pm