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hef ran this meeting.
{{Meeting Notes
| Previous YYYY-MM-DD=2014-07-01
| Next YYYY-MM-DD=2014-07-15
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== Agenda ==
* Intro PS1 and what we're about
* let new members and visitors intro themselves
* pick 2 random people to introduce themselves
* go over things that need doing around the space
* Awesome callouts

=== Introductions ===
* Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
* New members/visitors introduce themselves.
* Introduce the board and area hosts.

=== Announcements ===
* Hope X is a thing. Next Saturday. NYC. Listen to Edward Snowden talk.
* Hackaday project meeting tomorrow at 7pm.
* Eeyoo next Monday 7-9pm
* Tomorrow at 7pm is bike time! Come work on bikes. Justin will be there, and that's great.
* Saturday at 2pm Justin is having a power hour to work through donated stuff. Things need to be wikified. Pizza and beer.
* Writer Zen Garden is Saturday 6-8pm. Prompt writing. Come out and write.
* Immediately after the tour after this meeting (Hef's giving a tour) will be 300 Seconds of Fame.

=== Votes ===

== Minutes ==
* Hef opens meeting at 20:04. Has been exceedingly social.
* Asks new folks to introduce themselves.
** Sam does a little bit of woodworking (nearly complete in the field of digits), scuba diving. Bikes. Science fiction conventions (This is how he found out about us).
** Rachel is an artist and crafter. She heard about us from Jesse. Looking to expand her workspace a little.
** Gerry has been coming to Zen garden for a while. He wants to join so he can get into the building.
** Luiciano is from Brazil. He's sad because of soccer. He is the creator of Pingo, a python API for controlling various embedded development boards. He's from Garoa (a hackerspace in Brazil). He's selling T-shirts!
*** Carl is bad at negotiating. And temporal issues. And geography
* Two random folks introduce themselves
** Carl. He videos python and related things. Puts on youtube. Writes python. To. Manage, all of that. ( Carl likes to try to figure out how to promote videos because of stuff.
** Jim co-organizes LUG. Found out about PS1 a while back when it was starting up. He's never been certified on anything, but he's fixing that tonight!
* Hef didn't prepare a thing to do - check the tasks board.
* Awesome callouts
** Anthony for continuing to be awesome
** Jason cleaned a gross thing and has been doing wood shop stuff
** Arturo has jumped into kitchen area hosting!
** Jeff helped Justin sort through a lot of random donated crap.
** Noony published a book and it made a bestseller list
* Hef introduces board members and area hosts
* Announcements
* Meeting end 20:20


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