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beep boop i am a robot
{{Meeting Notes
| Previous YYYY-MM-DD=2014-07-22
| Next YYYY-MM-DD=2014-07-29
| YYYY=2014

== Agenda ==
* Intro PS1 and what we're about
* let new members and visitors intro themselves
* pick 2 random people to introduce themselves
* go over things that need doing around the space
* Awesome callouts

=== Introductions ===
* Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
* New members/visitors introduce themselves.
* Introduce the board and area hosts.

=== Announcements ===
* Dzak is giving a tour to a bunch of research librarians. This Thursday. 7pm. Pumping Station: One.
* Sevin wants someone to hack a 2.4ghz radio signal from a thing in his brain. Someone put some more voices in his head. Get in touch with him.
** Hackathon?
* Justin - Chicago South Side Mini Maker Faire - we could use some people to kick in towards noisemakers or bring in other projects.
* Will has two open seats in his car for Detroit Maker Faire. He's leaving Friday morning. Dave has space but no air conditioning?

=== Votes ===

== Minutes ==
* Meeting beings at 20:09
* Everett welcomes folks to PS1 and talks about what a hackerspace is
** Horrifying things
* New members introduce themselves
** Roger Moore has a problem. No. He doesn't recall how he heard about us. Engineering undergrad, HAM, willing to hack anything.
** Roger's son, Roger. He builds robots.
** Valerie, his daughter. She likes robots but isn't sure what she wants to do yet.
* Everett introduces board members and area hosts.
* Two random people introduce themselves.
** Dave works on mostly bikes and linux stuff, but some other stuff too. He heard about us from linux/python meetups and TOOOL.
** Donald has been here for a couple years (but isn't familiar with this bit! Shame). Member for 2.5 years, found out about by googling hackerspaces. That's the end of that sad story. Google is your friend.
* Jason hates it when people are productive.
* Awesome callouts
** Tac (Mike) taught a linear algebra class on Sunday, and then again tonight. What a guy
** Jerry organized Pitchfork volunteers. Bry didn't go, she's sorry.
** Hef scored us a kickass label printer.
** Will doesn't know any bands. He's not that kind of music fan.
* Announcments.
* Dzak leaves on a tour.
* Meeting ends at 20:21


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