

From Pumping Station One
dude these meeting minutes are super sweet
{{Meeting Notes
| Previous YYYY-MM-DD=2014-04-01
| Current YY-MM-DD=14-04-08
| Next YYYY-MM-DD=2014-04-15
| YYYY=2014

Meeting Begin: 20:10

== Agenda ==
* Intro PS1 and what we're about
* let new members and visitors intro themselves
* go over things that need doing around the space
* Awesome callouts

=== Introductions ===

* Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
* Introduce the present board and area hosts.
* New members/visitors introduce themselves.

=== Announcements ===
* Artist's way Saturday at 4pm in the lounge.
* Prompt (writing) night 6-8pm on Saturday, also in the lounge.
* New member's orientation is the 4th Sunday of the month (The 27th) at 4pm. This is required for all new members, if they haven't yet attended one!
* Today is PS1's fifth birthday!
** That's five whole years without burning to the ground!

=== Tours for Visitors ===
* Someone will give official tour (make sure liability forms have been signed and that emergency contact info is filled out)

=== Votes ===
* [[2014 Budget Vote]]
** Quorum: 25
** For: 33
** Against: 1
** Present: 2

== Minutes ==
* Everett opens meeting and asks new folks to introduce themselves
** They do. We are, it would seem, a big deal on the internet.
* Everett introduces the board and area hosts.
** Part is moved to May 3rd. We need help before, during and after for:
*** Setup, running the party and cleaning up afterwards.
** Bry will post details to the mailing lists.
** We do want to have some awesome member projects to display during the party.
* Awesome callouts
** Area hosts! They're always spending time helping our members and that's pretty sweet
** Dean's working on dust collection, which is going to help everyone out.
*** He doesn't, however, listen to metal music.
*** Triano insists, based on his education in fluid mechanics, that dust collection is loud
* Announcements
* Steve sets out on the tour with all the new folks.
** Noony tries to extort them, shame on you Noony!
* Casey says that Everett's style is 'on point'
** How unlikely!
* Budget Vote

Meeting end: 20:31


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