

From Pumping Station One
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===Come to Order - ===
* Anne
* Nathan
* Ishmael
* Eric
* Laurie
* Adam
* Julie
* Jeff
* Avner
* Paul
* Zane
* Zach
* Karl
* Geoffrey
* Andres
* Zane
* Tim
* Jordan
* Hank
* David
* Tanner
* Nicky
* John S.
* John D.
* Nicky
* Sam Rhys
* Brian
* Jasna
===Come to Order - 8:00===
* Welcome Back!
* Welcome Back!
* New people
* Board Intro
* Nominations for directors close next Tuesday, the 19th.
* Nominations for directors close next Tuesday, the 19th.
** Elections the week after, 26th
* 26c3
* 26c3
** AgoraLink
** Mesh VPN Service for hackerspaces
** Large scale intranet
** Serving files, VOIP and other services
** Domain services at *.hack
* Proposal: change meetings to monthly (Sacha)
* Proposal: change meetings to monthly (Sacha)
** To start in February
** 1st Tuesdays will be official meeting, other Tuesdays will be open house and unoffical.
* Unusual Musical Instrument Jam
** It was fun and loud
** Nicky wants to do it second Friday of every month.
** Just bang on things
* Sacha is looking for artists to commission a piece.
* Sam Rhys might be getting some free servers for us.
* Zach is moving this weekend: Free Beer
* Dave's party this weekend Fri @ 9:00
* Hackathon Saturday @ 8:00 PM
* Lightning talks after the meeting?
===Meeting Adjourned - ===
===Meeting Adjourned - 8:16===
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