

From Pumping Station One
who is this strange man sitting next to me
{{Meeting Notes
| Previous YYYY-MM-DD=2014-10-07
| Next YYYY-MM-DD=2014-10-14
| YYYY=2014

== Agenda ==
* Intro PS1 and what we're about
* Tell Triano to shut up.
* let new members and visitors intro themselves
* pick 2 random people to introduce themselves
* go over things that need doing around the space
* Awesome callouts
* Announcements

=== Introductions ===
* Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
* New members/visitors introduce themselves.
* Introduce the board and area hosts.

=== Announcements ===
* Saturday is analog game night.
* Shellie is ordering a heat press.
* PS:1 design contest has ended. Will's going to seek votes on the mailing list.
* Cold Metals Tier 1 is happening Thursday 7:00-8:30pm. Contact Ed.

=== Votes ===

== Minutes ==
* Everett doesn't care about Triano's back.
* Everett begins yammering at 20:01.
* He talks a little bit about what PS:1 is.
* New folks introduce themselves!
** Mike found out about us with research on his own. Maybe interested in CNC stuff.
** Curtis heard about us in MAKE. Not even sure what he wants to make yet, but he'll figure it out.
** Darold sought out hackerspaces. He is looking into making a resin printer. Hydroponics, aquaponics.
** Oscar was looking for a place to do woodworking. He's not strictly a woodworker, he likes other stuff.
** Someone who knows Ray is the creative director for an ad agency. He wants to get into kinetic sculpture. He's refinishing a skateboard and doing vinyl stickers.
** Dan found out about us googling for makerspaces. Mainly does electronics, but is interested in woodworking and metalworking and all kinds of stuff. He's build tube guitar amps - would like to build chassis/enclosures for projects like that.
** Mike read about us on the internet. He does 3d design, interested in combining that with electronics and 3d printing.
** Paul found about us on meetup. He doesn't know what he wants to hack. He's researching us.
** Jake was involved in electronics a long time ago. Interested in robotics. Saw us on meetup.
** Eddie just saw our website the other night. Thought he'd stop by. He likes to do mechanical stuff - working on bikes.
** May is just kind of along for the ride.
* Everett introduces area hosts and board members.
* Awesome Callouts
** Will helped someone with vinyl cutting! He's always willing to treat people like third graders.
** Doorman Dave drove Camp ShopBot all by himself! Anthony helped with organization and the latter half of the day.
* Announcements
* Meeting ends at 20:13


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