Talk:Showing Copyrighted Content

From Pumping Station One
Revision as of 20:02, 22 February 2017 by Rtystgeeke (talk | contribs)

This page needs a lot or work or needs to be deleted. I opened a ticket about it, or we can discuss it here. RT6213. We don't even track copyright on our wiki. That type of thing really screwed up the python wiki. Wikipedia is pretty specific about their stuff, and people have to keep track of what they share so as not to post mixed copyrights that conflict and who knows what else. if I recall correctly from asking a friend what type of CC license he recommended, he mentioned how CC-BY-NC isn't compatible with wikipedia. This is why I don't use it. In my job where we wanted scientists to be able to share data, we encouraged them to use permissive licenses like CC0, or CC-BY because adding the NC clause really screws things up. If you start policing all that stuff it will be a huge headache. We don't even comply with handling source code permissions. If you want to police that stuff, it's going to slow down everything at the space. Since it has to do with public media, PR director should do it, but PR director isn't an expert in licensing issues. Skm (talk) 09:00, 22 February 2017 (CST)

Seriously, this is as stupid as SOPA you guys. Skm (talk) 09:20, 22 February 2017 (CST)

Maybe you should watch the Aaron Swartz documentary. Skm (talk) 09:21, 22 February 2017 (CST)

The title of this page may be a bit broad, but we're addressing copyrighted audiovisual entertainment (movies, TV). Are you suggesting that we disregard copyright selectively or altogether? Please educate me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the references to SOPA and Arron Swartz are relevant to the context of this discussion. Ultimately, we're interested in better understanding the need for and lack of copyright policy/protections at PS:One, if you'd like to participate your help would be appreciated. --Rtystgeeke (talk) 14:02, 22 February 2017 (CST)