Tool Cage Proposal

From Pumping Station One

Kevin Caughlin


  • 4-27-2014: First draft of the vote.
  • TBA: Sent to director's list.
  • TBA: Sent to member's list.


The current tool cage that Pumping Station:One inherited from the previous occupant is inadequate and has several code and safety violations; for example,

The two electrical panels do not have thirty-six inches of clearance mandated by electrical code.

There is flammable material on and around the panels; this is not a good situation in a workshop that has a history of electrical fires.

Because it is so cramped the cage is unsafe for two people to occupy the cage at the same time.

For these and other reasons the cage should be emptied, dismantled and replaced with a larger cage that is designed to integrate into the space as soon as is practice.

Location and Materials

The new cage is going to occupy space in-between the wood shop and machine shop currently taken up by three large metal shelve units. It is going to measure seven feet wide and extend twelve feet out from the wall occupying eighty-four square feet of floor space. The current cage is approximately forty-eight to fifty square feet, and the metal shelves, 36 square feet; therefore, no net loss in floor space by replacing the old cage with this new cage.

We are going to use one inch square steel tubing to build shelf frames six feet high; the shelves, half inch sanded plywood four feet wide and eighteen inches deep. The walls of the cage are going to consist of three eight foot high by four foot wide half inch plywood bolted to three shelf units lined up and bolted to the floor. A four foot wide aisle, running between the two sets of shelves, will provide enough room to move heavier equipment, such as the kiln, in and out of the cage,

The build is going to be done in two phases. We construct three of the proposed six shelves and swap them with the large shelves; then fill the new shelves with the stock in the current cage. Staggering the build gives wood shop and machine shop the opportunity to move equipment to accommodate the full cage.

The initial estimate cost for the materials is $750 for 520' of steel tubing and $300 for twelve sheets of eight' by four' half inch plywood. Additional money is needed for delivery costs and to buy saw blades and welding consumables. Any money left after the cage is complete can go towards the purchase of additional part bins, tool chests or other enhancements that would be useful.


We will purchase three hundred feet of steel and eight sheets of plywood once the vote has passed and material cut to length and organized to facilitate quick and accurate assembly. I expect the welding and erecting of the first part to take two days. The final part of the build starts once wood shop and cold metals reorganize.


Authorize the board to spend up to $1,800 (total) on materials stated above, and directly related costs, such as replacement band saw blades, bolts and delivery costs. The spending authority for the tool cage will expire sixty days from the day of member approval. After purchase, a copy of all receipts will be linked below.