Vote to Explore New Locations for Pumping Station: One

From Pumping Station One



Google Groups Announcement: 3/5/2020

Vote submitted to board: 3/11/2020

Board Refusal to Post Vote Announcement: 3/12/2020

Vote Rewritten and Submitted to Board: 3/12/2020

Mailing List Announcement: TBD

Officially Proposed: TBD

Language Locked: TBD

To be voted on: TBD


Pumping Station: One is not a building. It is a community. The space has grown a lot and it might be time to find a new building that could better serve our purposes. This vote is to allocate funds to hire a real estate agent to help us look into the possibility of finding a new location in our beloved City in a building that can fit the needs of our growing community.


Vote Language

We establish the project "Acquisition of a New Building for Pumping Station: One", which includes all tasks necessary to buy or rent a new building suitable for the activities of the members of Pumping Station: One.

We select Nicholas Prorok as the Project Manager of "Acquisition of a New Building for Pumping Station: One", to create a plan, track expenses, organize volunteers and hire contractors. The project manager will provide periodic reports to the board. The project manager will consult with the membership, area hosts, board and committees when appropriate.