Vote to Fund Space Expansion Buildout

From Pumping Station One

Dean Anderson


  • Mailing List Announcement:
  • Officially Proposed:
  • To be Voted on:


The lease for the adjacent building has been signed and the full members have selected by survey (at the time of this vote) one of three plans proposed by the space committee. This vote will allocate the money to buildout the new space and modify the existing space as indicated below.

Install a 4" ventilation duct and fan in the clean CNC room to be used by the laser. The roof perforation will be done by a professional roofer. Interior ducting can be done by volunteers. Materials: ducting, elbows, hangers.

Move or expand dust collection system for woodworking. Materials: ducting, elbows, wyes, hangers blast gates.

Install new power outlets for cold metals and hot metals. Materials: conduit, wire, outlets.

Install ventilation duct and fan for small metals (jewelry).

Remove temporary partition in new lounge. Paint and repair drywall if necessary. Materials: paint.

Install work sink on the wall adjacent to the kitchen, next to the sliding fire door. Materials: sink, misc. plumbing.

Expense spreadsheet: insert link here

This vote assumes that these tasks will be performed before we move in by the landlord:

Paint the walls. Fix roof leaks. Upgrade the lighting. Repair the air conditioning system.


We authorize the board to spend up to $xxxx for materials, supplies and services to buildout plan X. We also authorize the board to select a project manager to create a plan, track expenses, organize volunteers and hire contractors. The project manager will provide periodic reports to the board.

The funding for this vote will expire at the end of 2016.



xx Yea, xx Nay, xx Present

Quorum was xx