Vote to built a spray booth

From Pumping Station One


  • Tom Judge
  • Andrew Camardella


  • Mailing List Announcement: 3/3/2017
  • Officially Proposed: TBD
  • To be Voted on: TBD


We currently do not have anywhere for members to paint or apply coatings in the space with good ventilation. This vote is to build a large enclosed ventilated sprat booth in the loading dock area. The area selected is the corner on the left when facing the loading dock door. This area was selected as it already has a vent in the wall that could be used for extraction.

The build will create an expandable booth with air extraction and make-up air filtration that stores in the corner of the dock and folds out when in use.


Authorise the Board of Directors to spend up to $500 on a materials to build a spray booth. Authorisation expires 6 months after the vote is accepted.

