Ceramics Overview

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Ceramics Reference Pages

Ticketing System for Ceramics

Basic procedure for a ceramic piece

Reclaiming Clay

Resources for Learning - this is an external link because wiki hates video. Do not panic at the redirect

Auth for Ceramics

Ceramics Materials


<aside> 💡

In order to maintain a safe working environment, all members are responsible for cleaning up for themselves. Clay which has dried and been kicked up as dust is dangerous to lung health, and many glazes are toxic to varying degrees as well. Prioritize using ppe, the vented area near the kilns, and thorough cleanup/dust management in order to reduce the risk for EVERYONE at PS:1.

</aside> Hi, and welcome to Ceramics in PS:1. This area is currently run by Ursula (or Oona) in a volunteer capacity, with Alan as the area host for small metals. Feel free to direct any and all ceramics questions to Ursula via discord. At present, ceramics is undergoing a bit of a revival, with the to-do list below. We are in the process of setting the area up, and some pages in the wiki refer to future processes and materials that we are in the process of sourcing and ordering. In the meantime, we encourage you to adhere to the guidelines as much as the current state of the area allows. See below for the ongoing efforts and ways to contribute, and happy making!

Ceramics Area Development

Individual Contribution Opportunities

For any of the below projects, make sure you shout out your intention to do any of these things in the ceramics discord channel so that effort isn’t duplicated!

  • Mount the pegboards to the wall behind the throwing wheels
  • Build plywood tool stands for the wheels help volunteered 2/1/25, check in if over a month later
  • Teach Ursula how to use the laminator - I’m hoping to make a few binders for reference and safety signs around the area but I’ve never used a laminator before
  • Make some clay paddles (hardwood hand tools of various shapes- check in if you would like to try!
  • Create a new, clean plywood worktop for the wedging table - check in with Ursula about the table, dimensions, details
  • Make 3-5 wareboards- check in with Ursula about the use case/dimensions
  • Collaborate to make cnc assets which can cut mdf bats for the wheels on an as needed basis. Help offered, 2/8/25, check in if over a month later
  • Make a kiln god - little figurine friends that sit on top of kilns with ceramic firings. We appease them so things don’t crack, craze, or otherwise fail in our firings (repeatable 😁)


  • Help Alan mount metal shelves above the wedging/work table
  • Help Alan and Thomas install clay trap under sink

Group Contribution Opportunities

These are upcoming known events which will help get ceramics up and running. Unless they have a date listed, they have not been scheduled yet. If you’d like to help with any of them, please be in touch!

  • Area sort, clean up, and red ticketing Marathon (est 3-4 hours)
    • once we have ordered the materials necessary to get the systems of ps:1 managed clay and reclaim organized, this will be scheduled and announced in the discord. If you’d like to help get the area ready for our new gear and don’t mind scrubbing, this is the time for you.
  • Area systems set up (est 2-3 hours)
    • Once we receive the materials, help organize, set up reclaim, store clay, finish existing infrastructure projects, and otherwise get ceramics fully functional and ready for auths.

First Wave Roadmap

  • [x] Select clay sources, order it.
  • [x] get 3 buckets, 3 totes (ordered)
  • [x] Go through tools, get what’s missing if it’s crucial
    • [x] glazing tongs
    • [ ] glaze brushes
    • [x] lazy susans for bats, trimming work etc.

Depends on Materials

  • [ ] Organize reclaim system, raw clay system, glaze system
  • [ ] Clay Trap Install
  • [ ] Make CLEAN (consider thick ply so it can be easily replaced if there’s a mess up) wedging/clay work table. should be standing table because raw clay should be stored, by category, underneath it.
  • [ ] Make a sign for kiln when ceramics are being fired
  • [x] get decent second splashpan
    • [x] internal? purchased?
  • [ ] pegboard setup
  • [x] tuning the low end of the wheels - it starts/stops VERY jerkily and make sure it can spin in both directions. wait until both have splashpans, do immediately after

Admin Work

  • [ ] PS:1 Ceramics Reference Binder - laminated, clay proof, etc.
  • [x] Figure out a scheduling tool for kiln firings that works across both areas
  • [ ] Make kiln schedules for the types of clay we provide with existing controller
    • [ ] bisque and cone 6 glaze firing for each
    • [ ] clean up scheduler
  • [ ] Have wiki updated with auth information
  • [x] Have wiki updated with organization and ticket system
  • [ ] QR Code to Wiki for the area
  • [x] Public Roadmap and list of projects in the wiki
  • [x] Pottery needle
  • [x] Make wiki page for learning resources

Second Wave


  • [ ] Tools
    • [ ] mirrors
    • [ ] gauge posts
    • [ ] Wheel tables (we can make these)
    • [ ] sieves
    • [ ] slab roller
    • [ ] coil press
    • [ ] bat system
  • [ ] reference books

Admin Work

  • [ ] Make Canva-pre auth course
  • [ ] Figure out ‘make with me’ learning structure

Third Wave Maybe Don’t Even Do it

  • [ ] unmixed glaze ingredients?? (high interest)
  • [ ] pug mill - only if we can get it second hand & v inexpensive, and can find the space. probably not necessary even if we do 💀