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A door fob is a small, plastic device with an embedded RFID tag, available in various colors like orange, black, red, green, among others (usually only one color is available at a time). You can find new fobs in a bucket near the door, in the upstairs gumball machine, and in secured locations throughout the space. These fobs require initial setup with your profile, as outlined in the provided steps below, before they become functional.

Fobs are designed to unlock both the front and rear doors, offering an alternative to keying in a code. Additionally, fobs can be used to access the bar, which is equipped with a system installed in 2019 (note: the bar is currently not operational). While any member can use their fob to unlock the doors, only designated bartenders have the authority to activate the bar system.

Fob Setup

To setup your new fob or to confirm your existing fob:

1. Go to

a. Log in.

3. Navigate to your profile and click on the red "Edit profile" button.



a. Scroll down to "RFID Tag."


b. Enter your fob number (include any leading zeroes). If you're simply verifying, then make sure the number written on your fob matches the value in this field. Multiple entries can be delimited with a comma.

c. Scroll back up and hit "Save."

The fob system should reflect your new changes in 20 minutes. If it's a new fob, it should start working in 20 min.

If you have any issues, generate a help ticket by emailing