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New People (name - where did you hear about us - what do you make/hack)
New People (name - where did you hear about us - what do you make/hack)
Kristian | referred by friends
Tim | robotics or drones maybe?
Jeremy | general interest | brought Kristian & Tim | heard about PS1 at Chicago Python User Group
Vai | weaving, video game arts, maya, front end development | 3D printing proteins | found us on Meetup
Adam | woodworking background |
Josip | built computers | interested in CNC and 3D modeling | ex brought him into PS1 | woodworking background
Logan | software work & woodworking hobby | found us on Google
Asa | Sarah brought Asa | interested in 3D printing | background is dinosaurs, foraging medical
Sarah | architect, 3D modeling, 3d printing | interested in reconnecting with community | founding member back in the day | interested in online security events
Bastian | brought by Kristy | background in computer science
Kristy | heard about us in Harold Washington makerspace | grad student, with background in ceramics and pottery, taking woodworking
* Chris | Information security | we're not hard to find
==== Two Random Members ====
==== Two Random Members ====
* Darin | member for six months | found us after missing his woodshop | metalworking, woodworking, lathework, fire, mayhem, etc.
* Ron | member for 5ish years | found out about us from a former treasurer
==== Board and Area Hosts ====
==== Board and Area Hosts ====
* Justin - President
* Jennie - Vice-President
* Lyn - Director at Purple and Wiiiiilllld Events
* Simon - Secretary
* Michael's phone - Director-at-large's phone
* Anna - Electronics Area Host
* Ron - Hot Metals Area Host
* Gerald - Kitchen Area Host
* Shellie - Arts and Crafts Area Host
* Aushra - Small Metals Area Host
* Erik - General Area Host
=== Things that need doing around the space ===
=== Things that need doing around the space ===
* Three tall metal racks in the new space need to go back to the old space
* Airtable spreadsheet has tasks: [ Airtable]
* We could use help on network infrastructure & IT stuff
** Come talk to Justin, he'll start to give you access
* Clean up after yourself
* Put huge pizza boxes directly into the dumpster, don't just jam them into the trash can
* Water needs to get moved into the quenching bucket
** Lyn & Adriana volunteered
* Keep the nice new hot metals clean
* Floorboards upstairs need to get held down
** Ed has an idea for a plan, Mari volunteers to help
=== Awesome Callouts ===
=== Awesome Callouts ===
* Adriana, Darin, Ron, Dave, and Daniel for getting Hot Metals
* Michael Skilton for putting the new sandbox in place
* Andrew, Jason, Mari, Josip, Simon for painting the CNC room
* Ed for tackling floorboards
=== What have you been hacking ===
=== What have you been hacking ===
* Mari is working on a self-automated webscraper - looking for
* Ron & Darin made a new welding table
* Gerald painted four miniatures
* Josip putting together designs for his first project
* Johnny learning guitar, developing a game world using Godot
* Shellie made a whole bunch of web pages
=== Announcements ===
=== Announcements ===
* Fifth Tuesday of the month is a potluck at the November 29th member meeting
* Cookie exchange on December 10th - open to members and nonmembers alike - and maybe also a bake sale
* There's a vote tonight on CNC Funding
* Not Exclusively Raspberry Pi - Monday, 11/21 - agenda TBD, 7-9 pm
* CAJOO - Cable Access Jam Office Hours - Come jam with instruments, no skill or instruments necessary
* Analog Game Night - Saturday 5pm until late
* Come help edit the wiki - Sat, 1:30-3:00
* Soap-making class on Saturday - sign up with Brian ahead of time
=== Questions ===
=== Questions ===
* How long have you been in this space? Half the building - 2012; the rest - July
* Ed, how's your arm?
** Much better, thank you.
* I want to make an arduino system to control some blinds on a skylight
** Come to Electronics Office Hour & NERP
* How can I get access to different tools?
** Once you're a member, get authorized. Authorizations are on the calendar, or details are in the wiki, or email the mailing list
* What is member stored space situation?
** Full members get a shelf or locker. Shelves are full right now, lockers are available. We are planning on building more shelves.
* What about projects in process?
** Leave contact information if you are leaving things for a short period of time. See [[Tidy_Space_Policy]]
* Is there a restriction on fumes or toxic materials?
** If it's going to poison people, don't do it. Be sparing with spray - we don't have a great ventilation system here.
** There's also a loading dock.
* Could we get pictures of the Area Hosts up? Or a white board?
** Yep. Do it.
* Is airbrushing okay?
** Yep, talk to Shellie
* Is there anybody who can certify on metal lathe?
** Anna
* Who does authorization for Shopbot?
** Look out for recurring class for authorization
* How do I get authorized on metals?
** Tier One goes through many of the tools, check the calendar or email the list
=== Votes ===
=== Votes ===
* [ CNC Budget]
* Vote passes 53 in favor, 2 opposed, 3 abstain
=== Tour ===
=== Tour ===
Who wants to give a tour?
Who wants to give a tour?
Domain Admins


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