
From Pumping Station One
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This is the MediaWiki Equipment Template, please don't mess with the template (Template:EquipmentPage) unless you know what you are doing

Template Info

This page is a master list for all of the equipment at Pumping Station:One. QR Code images and general information are generated with a simple MediaWiki template.

Create the new page
Create a wiki page by typing a new page address into the address bar of your browser "https://wiki.pumpingstationone.org/New_Equipment_Name" where "New_Equipment_Name" is replaced with the name of the piece of equipment you want to make a page for. If an existing page already has the same name, you will need to chose an alternate name. For further help see Starting a new page
Add the "Equipment Template"
To add the Equipment Template to your new equipment page copy the code below into the new page.
You may have to click "view" in the template documentation to be able to highlight the code.
Modify the parameters to accurately describe the new equipment. Check an existing page to see how the parameters are used.
|owner = "PS:One" or link to user page of contact person
|hostarea = PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE set this to one of the subcategories found in [[Category:Equipment]], this will ensure that the the equipment page will get listed in the subcategory for each PS:One Area
|certification = "yes" OR "no"
|hackable = "yes" OR "no"
|arrived = DATE
|where = LOCATION or "Removed" (if set to "Removed" a banner will be displayed on the page indicating the tool is no longer at the space)
|doesitwork = "yes" or "no" (if set to 'no", a banner will be  displayed on the page indicating the tool is broken and it will be automatically added to the "Broken Equipment" category)
|contact = Link to user page of contact person
|value = $999
|image = "IMAGENAME.JPG" (case sensitive, this is whatever you named the image when you uploaded it)

Upload a picture via this page
Make sure you set and remember the "Destination filename" field. This is what you put in the image="IMAGENAME.JPG" parameter. See section on template fields.
You may get a warning about an existing image/file. Ether
update the existing version by clicking on the filename and then on "Upload a new version of this file" bellow the "File History"
change the "Destination filename" field
Additional headerings and information
Feel free to add a new header and more information as appropriate. For further help with wiki formatting
Authorized Users List (if needed)
Add a table do document authorized users for the equipment by copying the code below. For further help with tables
'''This tool requires certification for use.'''
== List of Currently Certified Users ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Qualified Member
! Trained By
|Name of member
|Who qualified them

Additional members may be added by extending the list as follows:
'''This tool requires certification for use.'''
== List of Currently Certified Users ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Qualified Member
! Trained By
|Name of member1
|Who qualified member1
|Name of member2
|Who qualified member2
Save the page