Tormach CNC Plasma Cutter Debugging

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Message: *Button only permitted when machines is in state(s): referenced and idle, g-code program paused, g-code program running*


  1. Is the blue light on the button by the power switch?
  2. Did you hit the reset button in pathpilot?
  3. Does the torch move on the Z axis?
  4. Is the "Machine OK" status light on?
  5. Did you reference X, Y and Z?

Known issue with the MrFluffles post processor as of May 4 2023. Updated August 22, 2023 The post-processor is adding feed speed, cut height and a dwell command after the M200 command. This overrides the settings of the AutoFS stock picker in Pathpilot. If you picked the correct tool/settings for your material in Sheetcam this shouldn't be an issue. However, using the same Gcode for different materials will likely lead to less-than-optimal cuts. The extra dwell after the pierce operation (G16) can be eliminated by setting the pierce delay in Sheetcam to zero.