Vote on Space Planning

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Michael Skilton


  • Mailing List Announcement: December 8th,2015
  • Officially Proposed: Withdrawn because unnecessary December 10th,2015
  • To be Voted on:
    • Yes: TBD
    • No: TBD
    • Present: TBD
    • Result: TBD


In case we decide to rent the rest of the building. Some kind of process for next steps seems like a good idea.

Here is what I'm proposing. The voting membership by this vote asks the board to create two new committees as per our bylaws. The first being a safety and fitness committee tasked with inspecting the new space and presenting a report to the board with recommendations regarding items which may be necessary or prudent to complete before the space is occupied. This should include items such as, safety issues, lighting, cleaning, painting, etc. Where possible estimated costs and time required should be included. This committee would concern itself only with the space as it is, not with infrastructure requirements that may arise during space planning.

The second committee would be tasked with creating three versions of an initial plan for changes to the hosted areas and could include a recommendation for new area host positions. These plans should clearly delineate area host responsibility for the entire space. Where possible estimated costs and time required for necessary infrastructure changes or additions should be included. These plans would then be presented to the membership for a vote or votes.

These committees would have no less than 3 and not more than seven members.

As per our bylaws the decisions regarding staffing, tasking and overseeing of the committees is solely the responsibility of the board.


We ask the board to create a committee tasked with making recommendations regarding the safety and usability of the new space.

We ask the board to create a committee tasked with presenting to the membership for vote(s) three alternate plans clearly showing the floor space each area host will be responsible for.



