Vote to buy tube bender

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  • Tom Judge


  • Mailing List Announcement: 2/14/2017
  • Officially Proposed: 2/21/2017
  • To be Voted on: 3/7/2017


Several members have been asking for a tube benders and rollers for a number of years now and adding one to our tool set will expand our fabrication facilities a lot. To make best use of these tools a tube notcher is also included in this vote.

The aim of this vote is to provide members with the ability to bend several commonly used tube sizes along commonly used centre line radii. This will include 1", 1.25", 1.5", 1.75" and 2" tube along 3.5", 5.5", 6.5" and 6.5" CLR's respectively. As well as provide facilities for rolling tube to large CLR bends in the same sizes (1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2).

The proposal is to purchase a pro bender Pro32 bender that accepts JD Model 32 dies, with caster base and 8 ton air over hydraulic ram - ~$900.

Dies from JD2:

  • M32R302123 1" - 3.5" CLR - $175
  • M32R302144 1.25" - 4.5" CLR - $245
  • M32R302170 1.5" - 5.5" CLR - $280
  • M32R302194 1.75" - 6.5" CLR - $315
  • M32R302208 2" - C.5" CLR - $345

Swag Off-Road Hulk tube roller with dies in the afformentioned sizes: $1500

Pipe threader for driving the hulk roller $180

JD2 Beast Notcher - $500

NOTE: These dies are for tube not pipe.


Authorise the Board of Directors to spend up to $6000 on a tube bender and die sets. Authorisation expires 6 months after the vote is accepted.


  • For: 42
  • Against: 7
  • Abstain: 7
  • 56 present
