Schultz air compressor

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Schultz air compressor
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Serial Number 0003929870
Make/Model MSW-40MAX
Arrival Date Oct. 16, 2021
Usability yes
Contact {{{contact}}}
Where Boiler Room
Authorization Needed no
Hackable no
Estimated Value $3,187.99
Host Area General Area

Schultz air compressor Area: General Area

The Schultz air compressor is a 10 hp two-stage compressor that feeds the shop air for both the 3719 and 3717 buildings. It was purchased to replace the Quincy Air Compressor, which broke down August 26, 2021, and could not be economically repaired.


The compressor is a two-stage machine rated for 40 cfm at 175 psi. It has a 120 gallon tank. It is fitted with a 10 hp 3-phase motor that is fed from PP1-7 (the safety switch in the Boiler Room), which is fed from a 3-phase 60 A breaker in PP1-1. Specified weight is 836 lbs. for the whole machine.

Air moves from the compressor through a shutoff valve to a filter and the to an air Dryer  Atlas Copco model FD25  The manual is availableright here.

From the dryer, air routes through a high efficiency filter and another shutoff valve.

From there, air routes to one or two air circuits. One circuit (3/4 " pipe) feeds the north (3519)shop plus the shopbot and one tap on the central wall in the northeast corner of Hot Metals (3517). the second circuit (1" pipe) feeds the south shop (Woodhop and Hot Metals 3517) plus the loading dock / spray booth. Media:Airlines.jpg.

There are shutoff valves on the wall between the compressor and dryer for each circuit, labeled as such.

There is also a dryer bypass circuit for servicing the dryer while the shop continues to used be fed air. To effect the bypass,open the valve between the compressor (in vertical piping)and the left side of the house circuit mixing piping and close the valve between the dryer and the right side of the house circuit mixing piping.

Moisture collected from the tank, lines and dryer are collected in an ejector pump located between the compressor and dryer. Output goes overhead and down into the floor drain.


The compressor starts and stops automatically. There is also a manual on-off switch on the left side of the unit. This is a small red mushroom-head type button. Push to stop the compressor, and pull to switch on.

For servicing, use the safety switch on the wall. That switch can (and should!) also be locked out for safety.


Manual is here in manual. pdf. Check oil frequently belts monthly and change oil every 200 hours.

Responsibility for this mostly resides in the General Operations Team. Reminders are available via the PS1 maintenance calendar accessible by maintenance teams.

Some of the maintenance is "per xxx hours of operation". We are currently working to establish this baseline but it seems to be around 27 hours per month.



-Remove and clean intake air filters;(do not wash the filter element). -Check V-belt for tightness.Belt tension should be adjusted to allow approximately 3/8" to 1/2"(9 to 13mm)deflection with normal thumb pressure, -Clean cylinders externally,cylinder head,motor,fan blade,tubing,and tank. -ASME safety valve should be tested manually to see if it is working properly.


-Check entire system for air leakage around fittings,etc by using water and soap lather. -Check the pressure switch operation. -Check for oil contamination and change it if necessary. -check and clean filters


- change oil every 200 working hours or every other month.(Whichever occurs first). -Fasten bolts and nuts as required. -Change oil more frequently if compressor is located in a very dirty environment. -WHILE RUNNING IN A PERIOD OF ABOUT 100 WORKING HOURS THE OIL LEVEL SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CHECKED


-Test and calibrate the pressure switch,pressure gauge and ASME safety valve according to their own technical standards.These parts must be removed from the tank and pump to be tested. -Inspect and clean the suction and discharge valve(s)plate(s)every1000(one thousand)working hours(whichever occurs first),located between the cylinder and its cover and,if necessary,replace it(them) according to the operation conditions


The compressor is fitted with an hour gauge near the motor that can be used to track service.

There is no low-oil shutoff on this unit. It's critically important to watch the oil level in the sight glass, and if it gets low, top it up, or shut off the machine until it can be topped up.

8-hour service

The compressor needs to have the initial break-in oil changed after 8 running hours. This is due at hour meter 8.0. Schultz requires the use of SAE 30 non-detergent, non-synthetic compressor oil for all oil changes.