

From Pumping Station One
6,561 bytes added ,  Wednesday at 01:08
New Directors
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== President: [[Onthelevel|Anne Peterson]] ==
The Board of Directors are the eight PS1 members elected to serve as President, Vice-President, Secretary, and 5 Directors-At-Large.
As of 12/17/2019 these officers are no longer board members: Treasurer, Chief Technical Officer, Public Relations Director
but lets leave the descriptions here because it's handy.
Minutes from board meetings are made available on the [ Board Meetings] category page.
Board procedures are documented in the [ Board Procedures] category.
Previous boards can be found in the year's respective [ Elections]
== Contacting the Board ==
Members can contact the board in person at the twice monthly Tuesday meeting (Currently first and third Tuesday of the month - check the calendar for up to date information). You can send email to info {at} to open a ticket in the FreshDesk system for the Board to handle. That system is not for private information. For private information, email board {at}, email a specific member of the board, or talk to us at the meeting.
== President ==
'''Currently''': [[User:Naitotchi|James Lamken]]
president {at}
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Run everything. (kidding)
*Ensuring the organization’s activities are compliant and in furtherance of its mission
* Conduct meetings
*Lead, manage, and develop the organization’s volunteers and organizational culture
* Guide Policy
*Develop, implement, monitor, and assess the organization’s programs (including their impact)
* Help with Long-Range Goals
*Develop, implement, monitor, and assess sound and compliant fundraising practices
'''Money Making Member Activities'''
*Develop, inform, and support the board and committees to carry out their governance functions
* Solicit Donations
*Develop and maintain beneficial relationships with donors, funders, supporters, collaborators, allies, vendors, and other stakeholders
'''Member Activities'''
*Work with PR to ensure effective external communications about the organization and its mission, priorities, importance, programs, and activities
* Act as Spokesperson
*Champion the organization and advocating its mission to internal and external stakeholders
* Correspond with other Organizations/Individuals.
*Keep the organization informed of significant developments and changes in the internal and external environment
*Lead the organization’s planning processes
*Ensure legal compliance (including all required filings) and sound risk management practices
*Preside over meetings of the Board and Member Meetings
*Engage the membership (and other stakeholders) in working to maintain organizational infrastructure
*Answer member and non-member emails as needed
== Vice President ==
'''Currently''': Vadim Hudolozhkin
vicepresident {at}
== Vice President: [[Nathaner|Nathan Witt]] ==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Help with the President's duties
*In the absence of the President, performing the roles of President.
* Presidential Stand-In when necessary
*Enforcing the rules of meeting procedure.
* Internals Affairs: workshop, webcam, classroom, new member management system, etc.
*Preside over meetings of the Board and Members in the President’s absence.
*Have a thorough understanding of the Bylaws and current policies and be able to communicate them clearly to the Board and Members.
*Oversee the implementation and revision of policy to ensure sound and compliant governance and management of the organization.
*Partner with the President to lead and develop the facilitation of discussion with the Board and general members in determining the future vision for the organization while holding to the purpose of the organization as stated in the Bylaws.
*Partner with the President to lead the development and refinement of impact metrics (such as member surveys).
*Assess the performance of the Board, its committees, Area Hosts, and Volunteer Authorizers.
*Assure ongoing recruitment, development, and contributions of Board members.
*Manage with Full Administrative access the online software management tools required for the organization to function (Google Suite including Google Groups, Wild Apricot Member Management Software, Freshbooks Accounting Software) and providing access or assistance to the Board and general membership as appropriate and necessary.
*Answer member and non-member emails as needed
*Assist with ID checks at weekly member meetings
*Attend bi-weekly Board meetings
== Secretary ==
'''Currently''': [[user:jcmertz|Joe Mertz]]
secretary {at}
== Treasurer: [[Irufus|Ishmael Rufus]] ==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* All finances/taxes/insurance
*Set priorities and create agendas for meetings of the Board
* Manage the Official Member Roster
*Take official notes for all Board Meetings
* Eye on our Bottom Line/Savings/Financial Health
*Update and manage the PS1 Board Google calendar
* Our rock
*Maintain all relevant Board documents (currently a Google Team Drive and a Wiki) including the governing documents, key governance policies, minutes of board meetings, and written consents
*Schedule member votes, provide notice to membership of upcoming votes, count votes, report  and record final outcomes
*Serve as an active conduit for communication between the Board and members
*Serve as a member of the Dispute Resolution Committee and communicate relevant information to the Board as needed
*Answer member and non-member emails as needed
*Attend bi-weekly Board meetings
== Directors-at-Large ==
* Donzell Gordon
* Peter Zieba
* Eric Beauchamp
* Lindsay Miller
* Uwe Grosse
== Secretary: [[Pcallahan|Patrick Callahan]] ==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Record all Meetings and Votes
* Assist the Board in carrying out directives, policies, and resolutions
'''Money Making Member Activities'''
* Develop, inform, and support the Board and committees to carry out their governance functions
* Work on Sponsorship Videos
* Support and assist the Board in their decision making
'''PR Making Member Activities'''
* Develop, implement and assess a personal initiative or project as stated at the time of election
* PRS car work
* Serve as a member of the Dispute Resolution Committee and fulfill all duties related to that role
* [[Biosensor Array|GGHC Biosensor Array]]
* Act as the primary liaison between the Board and any relevant committees or teams as needed
'''Teaching Member Activities'''
* Work with the member management team when they have questions or problems
* Heavy lifting on Circuit Hacking Wednesdays
* Check FreshDesk on a weekly basis and answer tickets that need a Board member
* Making sure the doors are open for Knitting Mondays
* Look for ways to improve the organization and create initiatives to achieve those improvements
* Establish new committees/teams/volunteer positions as needed to help PS1 run smoothly
* Answer member and non-member emails
* Assist with ID checks at weekly member meetings
* Attend bi-weekly Board meetings
== Treasurer ==
'''Currently''': Carl Karsten
treasurer {at}
== CTO: [[Rhys|Rhys Rhaven]] ==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Keeps the internet going.
*Develop, implement, monitor, and assess sound and compliant financial management practices (including budgeting)
* And since you asked, yes, the '''entire''' internet.
*Oversee Budgets for each Area - Warn and stop funding when they run out of budget.
* Acquired title in poker game with previous CTO. [[File:awesome_face_icon.png]]
*Ensure that reports to governments (Federal, State) are filed on time
*Oversee, implement, monitor, and assess the expense tracking system
*Fix member accounting mistakes and adjust accounts as required
*Oversee and assess the financial health of the organization and implement processes to improve financial health as necessary
*Pay bills for the organization
*Reimburse Area Hosts and other people for approved expenses.
*Answer relevant member and non-member emails as needed
>> [[Treasurer Procedures]]
== CTO ==
'''Currently''': [[user:folf|Sky Nova]]
cto {at}
== Director-at-Large: [[Sblaszak|Shawn Blaszak]] ==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Connection/Representation for the General Membership
* Keeps the internet going, website up, ducks in a row.
* Run Individual Projects like Sponsorship Videos
* And since you asked, yes, the '''entire''' internet.
* [[Biosensor Array|GGHC Biosensor Array]]
* Monitor for technological issues and address as needed
* Sometimes also: voice of reason
* Ensure effective technology infrastructure exists to support the organization and its mission, programs, and activities
* Monitor the security and performance of all infrastructure
* Ensure the backup and redundancy of all infrastructure
* Handle escalated technology issues as reported by the membership
* Consider and implement appropriate security for electronic storage of key documents and data
* Attend bi-weekly Board meetings
== PR Director ==
press {at}
== Director-at-Large: Jim Burke==
'''Official Responsibilities'''
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Hackerspace canary. (kidding)
*Ensure effective external communications about the organization and its mission, priorities, importance, programs, and activities
'''PR Making Member Activities'''
*Manage the organization’s social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Meetup) and post or solicit content on a regular basis
* Provide benchmarking feedback from his other space visits
*Oversee the organization’s website content, ensuring accuracy and relevance
'''Member Activities'''
*Partner with Area Hosts, Volunteer Authorizers, and general members to announce and promote events happening in the space  
* Design Expertise
*Partner with Area Hosts, Volunteer Authorizers, and general members to increase awareness of external events relevant to the space
* Sometimes also: the voice of "make no little plans"
*Establish and manage a Public Relations Team to help with the above goals and provide regular updates to the Board
*Answer member and non-member emails as needed
*Attend bi-weekly Board meetings
== Interim PR Director: [[User:Ashanan|Avner Shanan]] ==
[[Category:The Board]]
'''Official Responsibilities'''
* Outreach
* Newsletters
* Flyers
* Responding to Outside Requests
* Spokesperson
'''PR Making Member Activities'''
* [[Biosensor Array|GGHC Biosensor Array]]
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