Volunteer Positions

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The Board of Directors has designated the following official Volunteer Positions. See Area Hosts and Volunteer Positions Policy for more information. See also Area Hosts for a list of Area Hosts.

Volunteer Positions


  • Each Volunteer's roles may vary. These volunteers serve to assist in the general maintenance of the space and community in conjunction with specific Area Hosts.

Area Hosts

Main article: Area Hosts

2D Printers

  • Davis Sayer
    • email: 2dprinting [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: davissayer

3D Printing

  • Matt Keith - Hardware/Software Upgrades & Maintenance
    • email: 3dprinting [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
  • Sam Donahue - Authorizations
    • email: 3dprinting [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Sam Donahue
    • slack channels
      • 3d_layers

Specialty 3D Printing

Arts & Crafts

  • Lydia Miller
    • email: arts [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Lydia Miller

CNC Machining

  • Adam Molski
    • email: cnc [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @DocWomp
    • slack channels
      • fusion-360
      • cad-cam
      • cnc
      • tormach_user_group

Cold Metals

  • Jim Brink
    • email: [email protected]
    • email: 2010jfb[at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Jim Brink
    • slack channels
      • coldmetals


  • Andrew Wingate
    • email: electronics@pumpingstationone [dot]
    • slack handle: @Andrew Wingate
    • slack channels
      • electronics

Gen Ops

  • Andrew Morris
    • email: GenOps [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @morrand

Hot Metals

  • Ron Olson
    • email: hotmetals [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @tackoknight
    • slack channels
      • hotmetalshop


  • John Jegersky
    • email: kitchen [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle:
    • slack channels
      • kitchen


  • Jordan Kessel
    • email: lasers [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Jordan
    • slack channels
      • lasers

Small Metals

  • Osi Van Dessel
    • email: smallmetals [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @
    • slack channels
      • small-metals


  • Sam Paris
    • email: woodshop [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Sam Paris
    • slack channels
      • woodshop

Events Coordinator

  • Contact: Lyn Cole
    • email: parties {at} pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @LynPurple


Main article: Volunteer Authorizer

Getting authorized on tools can be tough. Sometimes it's hard for new members to figure out how to get authorized, sometimes classes fill up in hours, sometimes classes aren't scheduled regularly. We want to fix that. The Board has created the following Volunteer Positions. We need a few members to step up and offer their time to get people authorized.

Responsibilities and Incentives

CNC Authorizer

  • Shopbot: David Earl
    • email: president [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @David
  • Tormach: Alex Berkowitz
    • email: alex [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Alex Berkowitz
  • Boss Laser: Jeff Zelnio
    • email: laser-auths [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Jeffz

Hot Metals Authorizers

  • Aaron Feigen
    • email: aaronfeigen [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @nibbtastic
  • Jacob Dawson
    • email: ps1@jmdawson [dot] net
    • slack handle: @Jacob M. Dawson
  • Sean Blum
    • email: arthifflaw [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Sean Blum

Cold Metals Authorizers

Basic Authorization: Tier 1

  • Dave Soloman (Crazy Uncle Dave)
    • email: davelscom14 [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @CrazyUncleDave

LeBlond Lathe

  • Dave Soloman (Crazy Uncle Dave)
    • email: davelscom14 [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Jim Brink
    • email: 2010jfb [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Jim Brink

Clausing Lathe

  • Anna Yu
    • email: annotatehere [at] gmail [dot] com

Bridgeport Knee Mill

Grizzly Lathe

  • Dave Soloman (Crazy Uncle Dave)
    • email: davelscom14 [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @CrazyUncleDave

Surface Grinder

  • Dave Soloman (Crazy Uncle Dave)
    • email: davelscom14 [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @CrazyUncleDave
  • Wally Fugiel
    • email: wally.fugiel [at] videojet [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Wally Fugiel
  • Jim Brink
    • email: 2010jfb [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Jim Brink

Baldor Tool Grinder

  • Dave Soloman (Crazy Uncle Dave)
    • email: davelscom14 [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @CrazyUncleDave
  • Wally Fugiel
    • email: wally.fugiel [at] videojet [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Wally Fugiel

English Wheel

  • Sam Abrahamson
    • email: sammyabe6 [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Sammy Abe

Small Metals Authorizer

  • Ally Reza
    • email: smallmetals [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Ally

Tormach Authorizers

  • Alex Berkowitz
    • email: alex [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Alex Berkowitz
  • David Earl
    • email: president [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @David

Woodshop Authorizers and maintenance.

  • Joseph Staffa
    • Slack handle : @joseph Staffa
  • Ian Sampson -general Auth, maintenance, wiki, Canvas courses
  • Brenda Caflin -General Auth , maint,
  • Jim Leonardson - small tool maintenance
  • dan Ennion - general Auth, maintenance.
  • Dan Walsh - gen auth, maintenance
  • Brendan Twaddell - gen auth, maintenance
  • Donzell Gordon - Woodshop Lathe Only
    • email: donzellphoto [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Donzell007
  • Glen Peterson - Lathe only
  • David Earl
    • slack handle @david earl
  • Gary Newhouse - ON MED LEAVE
    • slack handle @garynhouse

  • Ralph Brendler - mortise and tenon jigs, and multi-router
    • email: rebrendler [at] gmail [dot] com
    • slack handle: @Ralph Brendler

  • Sam Paris. Host
  • Michelle deLeon. Authorizer,

Kitchen Authorizers

Membership Management Team (MMT)

  • Team Lead: Vacant
    • email: mmt [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle:
  • Scholarship Liason: Vadim
    • email: scholarships [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @V
  • Member: Scott Yoder
    • email: mmt [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Scott yoder

General Operations (GenOps)

All are generalists but each has a primary responsibility.

  • Team Lead: Andrew Morris
    • email: genops [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @morrand
  • Woodshop Storage Manager: Gary Newhouse
    • email: genops [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @GARYn
  • other areas storage manager : Sean Blum
    • email: genops [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Sean Blum
  • operations Liason: Brian Desmond
    • slack handle: @Brian D
  • operations advisor: Brian Barnt
    • slack handle: @Bbarnt

Board-Appointed Officers

Chief Technology Officer

  • Name: Sky Nova
    • email: cto@pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle: @Sky

Education Officer

  • Name: currently vacant


  • Name: Joseph Shaul
    • email: press [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org pr@pumpingstationone [dot] org
    • slack handle:


  • Name: Carl Karsten
    • email: treasurer [at] pumpingstationone [dot] org

Board of Directors

  • President: James Lamken
  • Vice President: Vadim Hudolozhkin
  • Secretary: Joe Mertz
  • Director-at-Large: Peter Zieba
  • Director-at-Large: Donzell Gordon
  • Director-at-Large: Eric Beauchamp
  • Director-at-Large: to be updated
  • Director-at-Large: to be updated