Board Meeting Notes 2020-09-01

From Pumping Station One
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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2020-08-18 2020 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2020-09-15 >>


Rob G Aushra Molly David E Tanja Sky


1. Discuss & Approve previous board meeting minutes - passed

2. Member Count & Financials

439 members

Savings: $114,162.87 Checking: $17,436 PayPal: $13,907.98 PEX: $19,652.00

3. Mail Check - lot of personal mail for member Bao Nguyen. Rob to contact him and ask him to cease.

4. Votes

   a. WILD role for Kathryn Born - PASSED

5. Officer & Team Lead Updates

   a. CTO (Sky)
       - Working on a proposal for Wild Apricot replacement. Proposal to be provided to Board on 9/8. 
       - Will get Aushra access to PEX account.
   b. Treasury
       - 2019 taxes almost done. Was waiting on final credit card account balance (Aushra sent on 9/1).
       - Budget report still pending. Will attempt to use Quickbooks and possibly Quickbooks + PowerBI. Future: have solid reporting capabilities in Quickbooks.
   c. MMT
       - Working on orientation slides. Board will provide guidance on end-to-end process & help finish deliverables. Aushra, Molly & Rob to help from Board.
   d. GenOps
       - Storage space audit almost complete. 
       - Exterminator visit

6. Updates from outside board meetings

   a. 1 application received for 3D printing area co-host (authorizations). Will close applications for 3D printing co-host by 9/8. 

7. Existing & new discussion topics

   a. Member Onboarding Experience changes & RFID Access Control System
       - New member onboarding experience has been mapped. Need to check with Ron on technical feasibility. New process includes an onboarding document that is signed (waiver forever) after the general member waiver is signed. 
   b. ~70 members with no waiver in Waiver Forever
   c. HVAC update
       - Aushra sent in needed forms to insurance adjustor, including copy of lease and cost estimate for work to repair. 
   e. Tanya Pietrkowski (Director of Development at CARPLS) suggestions / meeting with DRC / DRC document update
       - Tanya sent sugg
   f. Authorization issues for new members (are there any and, if so, what can we do to help?