From Pumping Station One

We're having a barbecue Monday, May 25, 2009 for Memorial Day Weekend. We're hoping plenty of you are off of work or available that day. We'll be doing it potluck style: bring something to contribute if you want to eat and drink, please. We need: meat, veggie-related stuff, chips, buns, soda, fruit, beer, ice, ice chests, desserts, paper plates, napkins, utensils, etc. Festivities start at ten a.m. and go all day! It's a twenty-four hour space, guys! Yay! Add yourself and your bringings to the list below, please.

Who's bringing what:

  • Eli is bringing ribs, paper plates
  • Nathan is bringing encased meats and corn on the cob.
  • Tim is bringing bacon and cheese rolls and brownies.