LulzBot AO-100 3D Printer

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LulzBot AO-100 3D Printer
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Make/Model Aleph Objects AO-100
Arrival Date January 2013
Usability WORKING
Contact Aeva Palecek
Where 2nd Floor
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $1725
Host Area {{{hostarea}}}

LulzBot AO-100 3D Printer Area: {{{hostarea}}}

Software Setup

Windows Drivers

Windows users will need to install drivers. For everyone else, It Just Works™. Where everyone = Linux and OSX users.

Host Software

Users of Linux, Windows, OSX will need to install the following software:

Pronterface - for manual operation of the printer as well as for starting print jobs

Slic3r - for creating print jobs from 3D models

Additionally, Lulzbot provides a slic3r config file for the AO-100.

Get a Thing to print

Download something from Thingiverse, or some other website, or design a Thing using 3D modeling software. // list some free 3D CAD programs

Your Thing should be a "watertight", solid model in STL format (binary or ASCII, doesn't matter).