Board Meeting Notes 2020-10-06

From Pumping Station One

Board Meeting Minutes
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Paul O., Rob G, Molly A., Tanja, David Earl, Ed, Kevin Huemann, Andrew Morris, Sky


1. Discuss & Approve previous board meeting minutes


2. Member Count & Financials

- 444 members

- Savings: $114,164.72

- Checking: $27,505.94

- PayPal: $7,644.41

- PEX: $19,652.00 (data several weeks old due to Aushra's PEX access issues. Will have updated numbers next week)

3. Mail Check

a. City came by to read water meter, but didn't have access. Andrew Morris to schedule. b. Mail piece for dentist next door - board member will walk it over by Thursday this week.

4. Votes

- Board approves 8 new scholarship recipients

5. Officer & Team Lead Updates


a. HEPA filters for lounge, cnc, arts, electronics

   * $300 per unit + $70 for 4 extra filters = $1500
   * Andrew to contact ABT to see how soon we can get these

b. fixing cold metals fresh air intake

   * Andew to get estimates

c. Gary Newhouse taking time away from PS1


a. Orientation content to be finished this week (slides + audio). Canvas beta to be in place the following week.

b. Will begin using essentials form with new members next week.

c. Dev team will be working on automating the new member experience workflow (waiver -> essentials form -> orientation -> allowed in ps1). Kickoff meeting this Thursday.

d. Bylaws change: only 1 ID check. Will be included as part of overal bylaw update proposal.

6. Updates from outside board meetings

a. Board wants to restart PS1 newsletter. Sean Blum will be working on this.

b. Board+Treasury Team meeting happened on 10.6 to discuss current Treasury jobs, pain points and things that help them do their various tasks. Rob to schedule follow-up to create an improvement plan & ID next steps.

c. Aushra stepping down as President: transition from Aushra to Paul

   * Paul needs to fill out paperwork for $1,000 PWC grant
   * Paul to follow-up on insurance replacement of HVAC

e. Discussed Phase 4 Covid changes. Board will send communication to the membership.

f. Sky coming up with plan for interior security camera placement that may be implenented.

g. Accountant e-filed taxes.

7. Discussion Topics (new & existing)

a. Hot metals closed: top propane cylinder has cracked valve, preventing it from closing but is not leaking. No immediate danger. Will burn off rest of tank (currently ~50% full) tomorrow (10/7). Cylinder to be replaced tomorrow (10/7).

b. Scheduling set authorization times in Sign-Up genius: Board agrees this is feasible and will implement for any authorizers/area hosts requesting this.

c. Paul will post nominations thread for President