Howto Ldap Auth

From Pumping Station One
Revision as of 00:47, 20 July 2014 by Hef (talk | contribs)

External services that authenticate users often use Ldap for authentication.

Create a service account

Many, but not all, services require a user account and password to do authentication.

Use pwgen 64 to generate a password. Then create your user.

   samba-tool user create ps1-sa-servicename

Common Settings

Field Value Description
port 389
Security TLS or set useTLS to True TLS is a non-port changing encryption setting. Do not deploy with this setting off or disabled.
BindDN CN=ps1-sa-serviceaccount,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=pumpingstationone,DC=org This is the username that the ldapclient is going to bind to ldap with
BindDN password xienaiK0ohchaCao7pohv9auw2ohgaixieReeY7ahngoo1uingu9Shaokohfiej7 The password for the service account you created earlier.
BaseDN CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=pumpingstationone,DC=org This is where the user list is filtered from.
uid or username field sAMAccountName Our user's difinitive username is stored in the sAMAccountName Field on the ldap object.
filter (userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2) Filters on not disabled account. Sometimes this needs to be preceded with a ! to negate the filter.
mail mail ldap field that stores the user's email address

  • Depending on how the filter is applied, you may need to put a ! in front to negate it. The current format filters on users that are not disabled.
  • You almost always want to get debug info for ldap when setting up. There are a lot of things that can go wrong.
  • Start without the filter field, add it later.