IT Sunset

From Pumping Station One


Sunset - To discontinue or terminate (a product or service).

A current systems overview is available at IT_Infrastructure.

This page is meant to serve as a central reference to all PS1 IT/Electronic infrastructure that has been: Dismantled, removed, broken, sold, or otherwise disused. At least as far back in history as can be remembered. That word remembered is going to be key here. You should know this list will be in no way complete or comprehensive. There are many long abandoned pages of tech info on this wiki. The goal is for all that info to end up here in some way. This info is not expected to be helpful to anyone. If it helps you, know that there is no envy of whatever situation you have gotten yourself into. Enjoy the sunset.

Device Arrival RemovedFromService RemovedFromSpace Notes
Dell PS38S Rack November 2009 2018 05/01/2019 ---
Dell C6105 04/29/2015 Long Ago Still Alive ---
HP Procurve Switch --- --- 06/26/2019 ---
Analog Recorder 10/13/2015 --- --- ---