Amend Area Host and Volunteer Policy V2
The title of the vote as it will appear in the Votes section of the wiki and the as the title of the Policy, should the vote pass.
Andrew Camardella Rtystgeeke (talk)
Names of at least two members eligible to vote (handle + real name)
Vote Results
Quorum:[ ] Yea Votes: [ ] Nay Votes: [ ] Present or Abstain: [ ]
Definition of "Language"
"The wording of a legal document." []
Proposal Date
Date this proposal was posted to the membership and a request for a vote date was sent to the Board.
Member Input
Does the Sponsor choose to open the language of the vote for changes due to member input? (optional and can be modified at any time)
[ ] YES [ ] NO
Vote Announcement and Beginning Date of the Discussion Period
The announcement date of the vote proposal is the beginning date of the seven-day (minimum) posting and Member discussion period. (Certain exceptional vote types have longer discussion periods. Check the Bylaws if you are unsure.) If the Sponsor has chosen to include member input, suggested edits can be made in a shared document or other collaborative vehicle until the language is locked. The sponsor can stop taking suggestions at any time.
Language Lock Date and Start of Voting
Five days prior to the Day of the Vote, the vote language is locked, all edits are frozen, and the language of the vote is converted to a pdf file. Ballots that include the pdf are sent to the Membership, and electronic voting begins. Note that the minimum discussion period of seven days leaves only two days for changes before the lock takes place.
Day of the Vote
Date the Board has assigned for the vote. The Day of the Vote is the day the vote closes.
Area Hosts and Volunteers are important to the continued success of the the organization. Their activites are indispensible in allowing the organization to carry out its core functions.
This vote seeks to ammend the Area Host and Volunteer Policy in several key ways:
- This vote creates a volunteer oversight committee so that:
- area host and volunteer information is accurate and findable
- area hosts and volunteers are reviewed in a recurring and standardized manner
- key area activities are audited
- area hosts and volunteers are onboarded properly with updated documentation
- Authorizations are findable, predictable, and public
- Equipment inventory meets minimum standards
- The general membership is made aware of key area hosts intiatives and future improvements
- Sets yearly area host budget standards
Language of the Vote
Here is the actual text that will be recorded as, for example, an expense authorization, a Policy of the Corporation, a proposal for the change of a director or officer, etc. The Language of the Vote, as voted on by the Membership, must include the actual language of any externally referenced documents. Links are not allowed. Amendments to existing Policies always place the entire Policy up for vote, not just the part being amended.