Asset Removal Policy
Voted on: 10/17/2017
Vote link: Vote to Create an Asset Removal Policy
This policy allows area hosts to remove equipment from the space for the purpose of improving a particular area and to the benefit of the membership's usage of the space. This policy seeks to compliment the Tidy Space Policy and Conflict of interest policy while providing a clear guideline for accounting and asset management.
This policy process applies to any Pumping Station: One asset that is valued at over $50. For items less than $50 in value the appropriate removal is left to the discretion of the area host. Appropriate actions will be determined based on the fair market values assessed for that item. The treasurer should be contacted to assess current book value and document assets marked for removal. For the purpose of the policy removal can mean donation, sale, or disposal.
All assets must be verified as property of Pumping Station:One. If the asset does not belong to Pumping Station:One then it is subject to the Tidy Space Policy only.
Only the area hosts of the area where that item belongs, or the majority of the board of directors, may remove a Pumping Station:One assets. TidySpace deputies, volunteer authorizers, regular members are not eligible to remove Pumping Station:One owned assets.
Process for asset removal
The following process will be followed after the asset is verified as a Pumping Station:One asset and has been assessed for its current depreciated book value by the treasurer.
Notify the membership of intent to remove the asset
- An item marked for removal must be announced to the membership and board for a minimum of 7 days prior to removal.
- The asset is to be taken offline during the disposal period.
- Add an “Asset Disposal” header the the wiki page for the asset on the Wiki. This header automatically adds the asset to the “Assets for Removal” category. Add a top level section that has the information in the #Removal_Section at the top of the page.
- Make the intentions explicit; include information about how the asset will be disposed of. If this includes selling the asset, include that on the page and include the intended sale price. If the item is to be donated include a list of places that will accept donations or may be in need of the equipment, contact these places and CC the info@ email.
- Add a removal notification to:
- the members private mailing list for announcement.
- the upcoming member meeting minutes for announcement.
- Inform the board for announcement by sending an email to info@ and treasurer@ emails.
- If a member disagrees with the disposal of the asset, they must immediately announce a vote to block the removal, while this vote is in progress the asset may not be removed. The Removal Blocking can only happen during the member notification period and will follow the standard voting rules found at Bylaws#Votes_of_the_Membership. Votes must meet quorum and pass with a yes majority to block the disposal otherwise the disposal may proceed as planned. A blocking vote may be proposed up to a second time, for the following member meeting, given that there are 2 or more sponsors for the blocking vote.
Choose a method of asset removal
Any of the following Donate or Sell options may be chosen for asset disposal at the discretion of the area host or board.
- Donate: Donations should be made to hackerspaces, makerspaces or other 501(c)3 institutions. The receiving institution must be a 501(c)3 for tax reasons, if they are not then the equipment must be sold to them. The institute receiving the equipment must agree to cover shipping costs for the asset unless the area host or board is willing to arrange transport at zero cost to Pumping Station:One. The board must be provided a proof of delivery receipt, signed by a board member of the receiving institution.
- Sell: If the equipment is worth selling, an attempt to sell the equipment may be made. Pricing will be set by the area host (such as reserves or minimum sale price) and must be verified by the board. Items may be sold by the following methods:
- Public auction via eBay or similar
- Private auction
- Raffled as a fundraiser for Pumping Station:One
- Scrap: In the case of non-functional equipment that is not to be rehabilitated, an Area Host or Board Member may allow the item to be disassembled and/or scrapped by any member.
Both donation and sale should be attempted for a minimum of 7 days. If the item fails to either be donated or sold, it should be placed in Limbo with an Asset Disposal tag and the treasurer should be notified directly. The Scrap option may be used immediately after the 7 day waiting period. In all cases the Asset Disposal wiki page for the item should be updated to indicate what happened to the item, and the original notification email in RT should be updated to reflect the resolution by replying to the original asset removal notification email.
- Notify membership - 7 days
- Vote to Block - +5 days
- 2nd Vote to block - +7 days
- Scrap or Donate or Sell - 7 days each
- Limbo
Asset Wiki Page Requirements - Removal Section
This is what needs to go on an asset's wiki page in a top level header section (see #Removal Section for the template) at the top of the page to properly mark an asset for removal.
- What is it? - Description should be the same on the Asset Disposal Tag.
- Who is sponsoring - Area host or board
- Date published to the mailing list and RT
- Asset value - This is based on fair market value based on condition
- Suggested method of removal - Donate or Sell
- Background notes - Where are you planning on donating to or selling from
- Resolution of removal - How did this action end up?
- Approval: Treasurer signature needs to go here for removal to begin
Asset Removal Header Instructions
Put the following code at the top of the equipment's wiki page to generate the proposal header:
{{mbox |type=warning |text=This tool is being proposed for removal in accordance with our [[Asset Removal Policy]]. [[https://LINK_TO_GOOGLE_GROUP_DISCUSSION.HERE| Click this link for more information.]] }}
![]() | This tool is being proposed for removal in accordance with our Asset Removal Policy. [Click this link for more information.] |
Put the following code at the top of the equipment's wiki page once the equipment has been successfully removed:
{{mbox |type=alert |text=This tool has been removed in accordance with our [[Asset Removal Policy]]. [[https://LINK_TO_GOOGLE_GROUP_DISCUSSION.HERE| Click this link for more information.]] }}
![]() | This tool has been removed in accordance with our Asset Removal Policy. [Click this link for more information.] |
Asset Removal Tag
This is what needs to go on the asset to properly mark it as an item for removal.
- What is it? - Description should be the same on the Asset Removal Action Page.
- Asset Value
- Resolution of removal
Removal Section
- What is it? -
- Who is sponsoring? -
- Date published to the mailing list and RT-
- Asset value -
- Suggested method of removal -
- Background notes -
- Resolution of removal -
- Approval -