Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-30

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2013-04-23 2013 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2013-05-07 >>

Meeting start: 7:11


Board Members

  • bry
  • hailey
  • adam
  • josh
  • jesse
  • ed
  • steve (arrived at 7:17)
  • eric (arrived at 7:19)

Other Members

  • avner
  • tucker
  • matt triano
  • tom
  • janet
  • tim- arrived towards the end
  • jay- arrived towards the end
  • new visitor


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check the inbox weekly.
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.

New Business

  • Job board for external entities to list jobs on, paid, time limited? Both a resource for our members and a source of revenue. We talked about a physical board last meeting, but did someone respond and are we going to do this?
  • Christina's maker fair- Steve Finkle says we should try to man some booths

Old Business

  • Audit status/ Status of repayments / New historical books (Indiana Steve)
  • Get all of the tax returns from School Factory (Steve)
    • Sacha said he will be talking to her. Any word on that yet?
  • Electrician to fix not-up-to-code issues. How much can we spend on this? It's (in Eric's opinion) a pre-requisite to doing shop improvements including putting up walls for specific areas. Eric can negotiate with the electrician, bring quote back to the board.
    • Board generally approves this. Eric will come back with proper quote (Eric). He's working on the TODO list at 3519 Electrical Work.


  • Status of money owed by the old landlord. (Tim). Eric will request update on this.
  • move the annual meeting to december in the bylaws.
  • Go over the "Things the next board should deal with" list from the meeting of the 15th, it has a lot of stuff we have to be aware of.


  • read mail
  • still waiting on sacha to get our meetup group back
  • bry will ask will to make signs
  • need to make lists for close-up procedure - Hailey will do this
    • close windows
    • turn off lights
    • make sure doors are locked
  • get the financial history data to our lawyer -steve will send it to him tonight
  • if hailey can use her debit card she will buy the eyewash stations
  • updating safe space agreement
    • jesse will send to kathy for advice
  • Pitchfork donation for shifts for last year not properly sent through school factory- Steve
  • josh is in progress on getting new private server for wiki- we have new public server already
  • secretary of state paperwork- no progress
  • steve still working on fixing amazon payments
  • eric still working on finding proper model for cameras
  • eric still working on sawstop registration- avner volunteered to take that over
  • get all members on trello? eric thinks it is good.
  • steve went over financial report
  • sacha tabled his vote
  • voted unanimously to spend $30 on materials for physical job board
  • ed- says we need to brace ourselves for the AC fixing and maintenance costs
  • we're having communication issues with tony's handyman- steve is going to ask for a dated invoice
  • refund for person who had paypal probs
  • tim-first aid kit is bad- proposes offering member point for a member who will evaluate our first aid kits and replenish them
    • we voted unanimously to offer a point to whatever member does this
  • audit status- in progress
  • electrician- eric emailed us his wiki link- we will discuss this at the area host meeting
  • suing old landlord
    • waiting on giving it to our lawyer until bylaws are finished
  • info fragmentation- mentioned because at the end of last year things were worse- things are better now

  • Membership Report -
    • Full Members: 71
    • Starving Hacker: 134
    • Friends of PS1: 1
    • Total: 206

Meeting end: 7:59