Board Meeting Notes 2015-04-07

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Board Meeting Minutes
<< Board Meeting Notes 2015-03-31 2015 Board Meetings Board Meeting Notes 2015-04-14 >>

Meeting Start: 7:10 PM


  • Board Members
    • Derek
    • Ryan
    • Tom
    • Doorman Dave
    • Ray
    • Jenny
  • Other Members


  • read mail
  • Financial/membership report
  • Review the paypal and banking transactions.
  • Check
  • Member leaving reason report
  • Check RT queue
  • Review Trello board, report progress made.
  • review
  • check talk page for board meeting notes, see if any discussion on the agenda took place
  • new business
  • old business

New Business

  • Review applications for Wood Shop and Machine Shop Authorizer volunteer positions

Old Business

  • Account delegation
    • Chase
      • Need to make downtown trip with Derek. Will get Sevin a Chase card and add Ryan to account.
    • Waste Management and Comcast:
      • Making progress getting security questions from Steve.
  • Ray to get business cards for Board members, and "generic" PS:One cards.
    • Ray has these designed, but he needs contact info for each Board member.
  • Sevin may have a contact for a pro bono lawyer to work on reviewing our Bylaws.
    • Looks like the firm may be interested.
    • Sevin to inquire with our original pro bono lawyer on scope of current engagement before engaging new pro bono counsel.
  • Insurance Review
    • Ryan sent e-mail to agent 3/3/15.
  • New Area Host transitions
    • Sevin working with Michelle.
  • Costco business membership
  • File amended annual report with new Directors:
    • Ryan will contact Bry for info, and take care of this.
  • Corliss Early College STEM High School requesting a group tour.
    • Requests CNC and NERP-like demo.
    • Board has approved this.


  • Mail read: Chase statement.
  • Membership Report:
    • Full Members: 111
    • Starving Hackers: 281
    • Total: 392
  • Financial Report given.
    • Transferred $15,000 out of PayPal.
  • Member leaving reason report (4):
    • Moved out of state.
    • Got job out of country country.
    • Moved and lives closer to ssh.
    • Detailed list of complaints about billing system.
  • RT
    • 2470 - Double-reimbursed Mike Skilton. Resolved.
    • 2488 - Reimburse Mike Skilton for drum liners for dust collector. Done.
    • 2482 - Reimburse Anna for lathe purchase. Dean approved. Needs a check. Deferred.
    • 2511 - Reimbures Dean for drill press from Cold Metals budget. Done.
    • 2512 - Reimburse Dean for electrical plugs. Done.
    • 2513 - Reimburse Dean for electrical supplies. Done.
    • 2514 - Reimburse Dean for LED shop lights. Done.
    • 2515 - Reimburse Dean for cleaning supplies and light hanging supplies. Done.
    • 2373 - Derek will respond about suspended payment.
    • 2438 - Reimburse Eric for woodshop shelves. Approved by Triano. Done.
    • 2405 - Vacuum pump parts - need receipt. Ryan will get this.
    • 2003 - Jenny will work with Shellie for PEX card issue.
    • 2504 - Jesse requested spending 1 point as a refund. Done.
    • 2480 - Awarded Lyn 1 point for hosting TOOOL. Done.
    • 2455 - Awarded Jason and Ray 1 point each for fixing the laser cutter. Done.
  • No Trello updates.
  • New Business
    • Removed old text about business sponsorships from PS:One Contribute page.
    • Landlord has asked for water and sewer fees. We need to clarify division of the bill with the landlord.
    • Need to make arrangement for charging landlord for electricity now we pay the entire bill.
  • Old Business
    • Area Host transition:
      • Triano was supposed to reach out to Michelle. Will ask Triano again. She has not collected her PEX card.
      • Tom gave Ron his PEX card.
    • Insurance Review:
      • Ryan still waiting for agent. Last contacted him 3/31. Contacted again 4/7.
    • Annual Report:
      • Ryan needs the previously filed form from Bry. Contacting.
    • LakeFX participation - uncertain if we can participate. Seeking clarification.
    • High School field trip: No update.

Board meeting closed at: 7:50 PM


  • None