Dell E6400 Unix Infrastructure Laptop

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Dell E6400 Unix Infrastructure Laptop
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Serial Number 3XXBTL1
Make/Model Dell E6400
Arrival Date 11/2016
Usability yes
Contact Daniel Peters
Where Laptop Storage
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $65
Host Area IT Equipment

Dell E6400 Unix Infrastructure Laptop Area: IT Equipment


  • Not for homework, browsing, casual use


  • Have a reliable working build of all space infrastrucutre on a laptop that stays in the space. (Auth site, Go lang for RFID, etc)
  • To have a troubleshooting work station with a wireless card to hack into the router, the server, whatever we need to in the space.

Other Components

Each computer comes with a battery, docking station, and charger that all will be numbered and matched to each computer

Computer Stats

Dell E6400

  • Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 with VT, 2.80GHz, 106 6MHz 6M L2 Cache, Dual Core
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Operating System: Debian 8, jessie
  • Dell System configuration


This laptop is (as of Dec 6, 2016) in the process of being setup as a development laptop for infrastructure needs of the space. It will have a full and (hopefully) working build enviornment for working on ps1auth, the rfid code, the wiki and as time goes on any other unix-friendly software that the space depends on.

In time it should also be setup so as to be able to complelely redeploy any necessary networking configuration for the routers, the server rack, etc. It should *not* however function as a place to simply dump user data for the space, and to that end a policy governing that should be written up and submitted to the board and membership as a whole.

Current Setup (Dec 8, 2016)

At the moment the hacktop is running Debian 8, jessie. Given that large amounts of the spaces digital infrastructure is written in python, it is loaded up with python libraries for talking to all parts of the space.


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