Hot Metals Belt Sander

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Hot Metals Belt Sander
TLS-MT362 Multitool-Bench-Grinder1 LRG.jpg
Owner/Loaner PS:One
Make/Model TLS-362
Arrival Date 11/2016
Usability yes
Contact Hot Metals Area Host
Where Hot Metals, rack wall
Authorization Needed yes
Hackable no
Estimated Value $500
Host Area Hot Metals

Hot Metals Belt Sander Area: Hot Metals

This is a brand new page. It needs an equipment template applied to it!

If you know more about this machine, please update this wiki page and make an equipment label for it.

Information to gather:

  • status
  • how to get authorized
  • photo of the thing
  • make and model, serial number
  • type of electrical power required
  • parts numbers or links for ordering consumables (belts!)
  • link to service manuals, operator's manuals
  • who owns it?