Large Format CNC Router Proposal

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Bart Dring


  • 2014-02-25 - discussion open on member list
  • 2014-03-20 - open meeting held at PS1 to discuss the purchase
  • 2014-04-01 - Announced
  • 2014-04-08 - Vote passes


The proposal is to buy a large format CNC router. The current CNC has work area and cutting power limitations that limit it to very small parts and slow speeds.

At an open meeting we discussed (3) possible options.

  • Build our own
  • Buy a used industrial machine
  • Buy a Shopbot

The consensus was buying a Shopbot was the most likely option to achieve our goal with minimal risk. A Shopbot is a turnkey solution with a 2 year warranty and has a smaller footprint than industrial machines with similar work areas. The included Shopbot CAM software is basically the same as the smaller machine so certifications will be easier.

Extra stuff:

  • Shipping
  • CNC Router
  • Dust collection - If a larger, shop wide dust collection system is desired the money would be transferred to that
  • Wiring - The power requirements (see below) are simpler that the bridgeport, but there will be expenses to do a proper and robust installation.

Receipts will be linked below.


  • $12,895 (#10108) PRSstandard
    • Normal Work Area: 96"x 48"x 6"
    • Movement Limits: 102" x 50" x 8"
    • Floor Foot Print: 120" x 79" x 67"
    • Recommended Clearance: 30" around all sides.
  • $2,619 (#12541) HSD 2.2HP 3 Phase Variable Frequency Spindle; 230v (single or 3-phase options) (includes 4 ER25 collets)
    • Quieter than standard spindle
    • Software controlled speed.
  • $600 Dust collector (may be part of larger area dust collection project)
  • $950 Shipping (ShopBot quote)
  • $900 Computer & Monitor
  • $400 Electrical
  • 10% Buffer for additional shipping and install costs.

Quote: File:PdfFF76.pdf

Potential Locations

  • Along junk rack at the front of the welding area. This allows easy, non disruptive handling of large material.
  • In the wood shop. Matt Triano said (I believe) that he'll make room.

Electrical Requirements

  • 220VAC 20Amp (single or 3 phase optional)

Shopbot PRS



Authorize the board to spend $20,200 on a large format CNC router and related expenses. Authorization expires in 90 days.

PS:1, at the board's discretion, may take out a loan to cover up to the entirety of the purchase. The loan will be through Chase Bank or from a more competitive provider.


  • ShopBot purchase (from wire transfer; RT ticket forthcoming) - $ 16,591.00

Grand total (in progress): $17,407.55

Additional Purchases

  • [1] - $42.91
  • [2] - $75.67
  • [3] - $30.90
  • [4] - $10.64
  • [5] - $10.64
  • [6] - $44.79
  • Dust collection system - $600

Additionals total: $216.55