Meeting Notes 2014-07-15

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Meeting Minutes
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  • Intro PS1 and what we're about
  • let new members and visitors intro themselves
  • pick 2 random people to introduce themselves
  • go over things that need doing around the space
  • Awesome callouts


  • Brief overview of what PS1 is (<1min).
  • New members/visitors introduce themselves.
  • Introduce the board and area hosts.


  • This Friday, from 7:30-10:30 PM, showing of The Internet's Own Boy, a documentary on the life and death of Aaron Swartz, co-founder of reddit and political activist. Movie will be 2 hours with discussion/hanging out afterwards.
  • Hef added a feature to the member's site. It's reports from our Paypal account from way back in 2010 - you will be able to see the up-to-date status of our income.
  • Mike (tac_) [he hosts math office hours] - He's going to be teaching a crash course in linear algebra at MOO this sunday. 5-7pm Sunday the 20th.
    • Blah blah blah math. You should be familiar, at least, with high school algebra.
  • Financials - Progress is still being made. Bookkeeper is working away on reconciling records. Getting geared up to finish tax filings and categorizing 2014 expenditures.
  • Pitchfork is this weekend. If you volunteered to help - show up or Jerry will probably look pretty sad. You don't want that, do you?
  • Arturo has written rules for storage in the refrigerator in the kitchen. He's going to post them on the fridge.
    • Leaving keys in the fridge is smart.



  • Meeting begin: 20:07
  • Bry introduces herself. Talks briefly about the space.
    • Jay interrupts.
  • Bry asks new folks to introduce themselves:
    • Andrew is here with his wife Cheryl. He's just keeping Cheryl out of trouble. He likes to hack on anything that deals with sound.
    • Cheryl made a theremin at the Northside Mini Maker Faire (Hey that was mine! - Derek). She is a teacher and just got a 3d printer. Interested in working with glass.
    • Tom started reading about 3d printers and arduino and other electronics things. Then he found out about us on the internet.
    • Randy works mostly in software. He just got a job that's gonna require him to do some embedded programming. Meetup made him come here.
    • Chris (cpogo) - not much of a hacker yet. Artist, musician. He's hoping to recondition his old Prius battery pack. Wants to learn whatever about whatever.
      • Please don't explode us - Triano
    • Alex heard about us from his partner. He doesn't make much but is open.
    • Rachel (the partner) is a new member. She's bringing folks to join us, too! Thanks, Rachel. She sews, does printing. Interested in CNC machines and woodworking.
    • Peter (brought by Rachel) - He does IT stuff and works at a bike shop. He is working on some electronics projects. Wants to learn how to weld or braze.
    • Andy found out about from Hugh. Interested in learning to make an LED lighting system.
    • Hugh is an artist who deals primarily with robotics (art-making robots!). Heard about us from the DIY/instructables/mitch altman sort of thing.
  • Please go downstairs and check out our small to-do board in the lounge. Do some stuff.
  • Awesome callouts
    • Will for helping out in the kitchen.
    • Skilton for being so damn awesome. I don't even know what he did but it was probably sweet!
    • Dean (and Skilton!) for working on dust collection
      • There's gonna be so little particulate matter... - Triano
    • A bunch of folks helped out with Justin's power hour this weekend. Thanks guys!
    • Skilton was on site for the AC tech and also worked on pneumatics today.
    • Ste, Lyn, Doorman Dave, Kevin, Daniel, Tom, and Everett for helping at the Power Hour on Saturday.
    • Skittles for organizing the donated books.
    • Jason for cleaning up the mess on the loading dock that the landlord complained about
    • Michael Skilton for being there when the AC Tech came by and helping with getting it all serviced.
    • Everett for doing phoned in callouts
    • Justin for putting up an awesome bike rack storage thing
    • Dean and Skilton (I think) for work on dust collection system since ducting came in
  • Announcements
  • Steve leaves with new people on a tour.
  • Meeting ends at 20:27