Meeting Notes 2017-10-24
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<< Meeting Notes 2017-10-03 | 2017 Meetings | Meeting Notes 2017-10-24 >> |
- Intro to PS1 and what we're about. (2 mins MAX)
- Tour leaves (new people)
- Ron O. did 2 tours
- Eric W. did a tour for late people
- Update from the BoD about what's going
- Update from area hosts about what's going on
- Other announcements, events, awesome callouts, what have you been hacking, general discussion, etc.
- 8:15pm SHARP Voting time, if a vote is taking place
- no votes
Intro to PS1
Board Updates
- Check out the updated website- Considering doing further refresh/rebuild. Get involved with planning talk to Adam S. or Andrew C.
- Online Waiver - we have an online waiver now which we will be transitioning to - please play test/sign the new waiver and let Andrew C. know of any usability issues.
- Working Groups Updates - Insurance, Training/Maintenance Groups, Waivers, etc - more detail to be posted to the GG
- Insurance - currently working on finding an insurance provider - have several requirements from lawyer including dependancies on some waivers and policies
- Training/Maintenance - Same people applied for both groups so they are now one - Working on implementing Canvas as an online authorization process, compiling list of tools and things we need to know about each piece of equipment (primarily safety and maintenance)
- Policies and docs - Waiver is completed (currently testing usability), Alcohol policy is mostly complete (needs lawyer review), Loaned tool policy (has an insurance requirement dependency).
- RFID - Andrew V., Andrew W., Andrew C., currently working on hardware and software for machine control. Putting in protections so you can't turn on a machine accidentaly, no machine alterations required.
- Survey- Jon K survey for hackerspace app - 2 questions less than 30 seconds
- Survey- Board to Membership communication survey - Take the survey we're trying to get feedback on how we're doing and get suggestions about what people want to know about or care about
Area Host Updates
- Woodshop
- belt sander is still out of service. Call has been made to the manufacturer for repair parts
- planer has had all the blades rotated
- wood lathe is still being repaired (wrong parts ordered)
Announcements, Events, Discussion
- Halloween party on the 29th
- Potluck on 5th Tuesday
- Halloween Themed
- Adler Pop-Up - Dec 26-20
- Is this for promo for us or for kids outreach
- If you want to get involved touch base with Andrew C (President), Ash (CNC), Ray (PR)
- Jeff C - Member meeting is not a inviting to new members - consider having softer introductions to guests and new members
- Working group updates discussion - Tom J. concerned that groups is "old-boys-club", not enough communication from the membership, that groups exist or meet - Ed B. mentions that open calls to the group were made and that people that can make a consistent commitment to attend and participate are welcome. Coming in for one meeting for random input disrupts general flow of discussion and progress. Work performed by these groups (not including those related to fiduciary duties of the board) will be presented to membership for review. - Aushra A. says that the groups are composed of people that show up and participate - Andrew C. commits to do more to notify the membership of groups and progress, agrees currently messy process but much to do.