Meeting Notes 2018-10-16

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Meeting Minutes
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  • Intro to PS1 and what we're about. (2 mins MAX)
  • Tour leaves (new people)
  • Update from the BoD about what's going
  • Update from area hosts about what's going on
  • Other announcements, events, awesome callouts, what have you been hacking, general discussion, etc.
  • 8:15pm SHARP Voting time, if a vote is taking place


Intro to PS1

Board Updates

Area Host Updates

  • Universal Laser is out of service, please come forward if you have any info about the cause
  • A new member is an official Epilog repairperson that could help us fix it
  • Boss is having isssues also, will be down for repairs tonight
  • Qube Pro will be processed through the Equipment Disposal Process according to policy

Announcements, Events, Discussion

  • Cicada casting had a 100% success rate
  • Open House Chicago had 700+ visitors this weekend, a small number of people signed up to be members
  • Thanks for everyone for helping out this weekend for Open House Chicago
  • Let's extend this into a more regular tradition
  • Drew visited various spaces near Denver and brought a bunch of souvenir
  • Micro-Hebocon is happening Saturday 10/21, there are still motors available, there will be a secret piece of hardware, also beer
  • Dubi used an old discarded book to make a secret container
  • Halloween party with cardboard costume making on 10/27, cardboard will be provided
  • The vaccum former did its first test pull
  • We're getting a kiln donated
  • Meetup events need to be reviewed and cleaned up